She is a grenade!

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I planted myself into yet another hospital chair that Dr Maria guided me to.

I was finding it had to breath and I could feel my hands becoming clammy and sweaty from being so nervous.

She had to talk to us?

Why? What was wrong?

It couldn't be about Hazel dying. It couldn't.

God may not be my favourite person in the world- by taking my soulmate away and killing my bestfriend and making me blind- but he couldn't be as heartless to deprive me of the one human being on this cruel world who brought me joy? Could he?

I hope not.

I could hear Frannie's sobs not too far away from me and then I felt a reasonably heavy hand land on my right shoulder.

"Hello Isaac." Michael- Hazels Dad- voice was broken. It was easy to tell he was crying by the way his strong voice was cracking through.

"Hey, Mr Lanchaster." I spoke through a wave of tears and tried to hold myself together. I fumbled around and set my guiding stick on the cold ground by my chair.

"Please, call me Michael."

"Okay." Silence, as Frannie sobbed close to me. Hearing her sob, I couldn't resist it and I let my steam of tears flow like Nigeria falls from behind my black glasses.

Believe me, blind guys can cry like 14 year old girls who have been dumped by their "soulmate".

I assumed Dr Maria had left the room but then she spoke ever so gently, coming from my left hand side, close to Frannie.

"I'll leave you all alone." And then I could hear here high heels clunk out of the ward.

I thought she had to talk to us?

What the hell is going on?

"Isaac, we have to talk to you."

More sobbing.

Michael took over as Frannie obviously couldn't deal with it,

"As you know, son, Hazel had fluid drained from her lungs.

"Yeah." I croaked.

Long pause as Frannie clutched my now numb hand. Michael continued,

"Well, you also know how she was found in the graveyard. They say she was there for three hours tops. Lying out in the cold night, Isaac, it hasn't helped matters."

"Mr Lancaster, please. Cut to it." I know it may have sounded harsh, I mean, the mans daughter was dying but, that mans daughter was my best friend and I needed to know what the hell was going to happen to her beautiful, cancer ridden soul. gradually, Frannie stopped sobbing and I sensed her dropping my hand and she began walking- towards Hazel I her hospital cot, I assumed.

" I- I just need to know... Is she going to be okay?"

"Isaac, Hazel will never be okay! Do you not understand that?" Frannie screamed from the other end of the room. Michael tried to hush her down but she just interrupted him. "Hazels ways going to be sick! Alright? Because, you know what? Hazel was right! She is a grenade! And she's going to land every single fucking one of us into complete misery from her own impending and there's not one thing we can fucking do!" She wailed. Michael got up and ran to her, clutching her in his arms. "Isaac, she's dying." She whispered.

And that's the last thing I can remember.

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