Chapter 4

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Neptune is also female now back to the story.

RWY are in Vale looking for Blake but Y/N isn't calling "Y/N you aren't helping"

Y/N:"Well I know who can help, the police."

Yang:"I think we should hear her side first."

"Well when we do you'll realize I was right." Y/N says "And I think Y/N looks wonderful today!" they all quickly turn around in panic "Gah! Penny where did you come from?" Ruby asks"Hey guys! What are you up to?" she responds "We're looking for Blake." Yang says"The faunus girl?" Penny says."Wait how did you know that?"Ruby asks, Penny points to her head and says"The cat ears."

Yang:"What cat ears? She wears a bow" then a tumbleweed passes by"She does like Tuna a lot "Ruby whispers "Don't worry Ruby my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate" Y/N and Yang leave while she was talking Ruby looks to see them missing."Sure is windy today." Penny says after seeing another tumbleweed.

After checking another house Yang says "You really don't care about her do you?"

"Don't be stupid, of course I do,I'm just worried of what she will say when we do, the innocent never run Yang." Yang looks down knowing Y/N is right.(I do hope she's alright) Y/N thought.

Ruby is walking with Penny kinda annoyed "So she's your friend?" Ruby sighs"Yes Penny.". "But you're mad at her?" Ruby responds "Ye-no but Y/N is."

Penny:"Is he friends with Blake?" Ruby wonders for a second"Well that's kinda in the air right now she might not who we thought she was."Ruby says,Penny gasps "Is she a man?" Ruby stops and looks at her"No!"

Timeskip after the battle Y/N and Yang arrive at the scene

"Look Y/N it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing, she doesn't just wear a bow,she has kitty ears and it's actually kinda cute" Y/N just walks past her and straight to Blake"Y/N I want you to know I'm n-"

Y/N:"Stop! Do you know how long it took to look for you? 12 hours, that gave me a lot of time to think and in that time I decided that I don't care, you said you aren't one anymore right?" Blake responds but is interrupted again"I don't wanna hear it, I just want you to know that the next time something this big happens, you go to your teammates and not some- someone else."

Blake wipes a tear"Of course!" Ruby gets excited"Yes! Team RWBY is back!" They all come closer"I'm still not sure how I feel about you." Y/N says feeling jealous again.

Timeskip to next semester/start of Volume 2 and over this time Blake and Nora have also gotten feelings for the Schnee

Ruby slams a notebook on the table "Sister, friends, boyfriend!" 

"Don't call me that!" he yells,  "I had a dream! A dream that one day, the 4 of us as a team will have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever."

Y/N:"Isn't that my notebook?" Ruby puts 2 peace signs"I am not a crook."

"What do you mean?" Blake asks"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" then Yang responds"I always kick my semesters off with a YANG. Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?"

Y/N:"Nora!" Nora then throws an apple that hits Yang in the face as she says "Boooooo!"

"I'm gonna sit this one out" Blake says"Sit out or not we should spend this final day as a team. I for one thi-" Y/N gets hit with a pie that has a heart on it from Nora leaving cream on his face.Then she points at Ren as if he did it,then a huge food fight starts as outside Sun and Neptunia were talking about Blake, then they walk in and see lots of students fleeing and yelling.

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