Chapter 6

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WBY find a way inside the hideout and take out some W.F members, Ruby runs towards them "Ruby!" Yang yells then Ruby jumps into Y/N's arms, then she explains their plan then they hear'Get to your places we are leaving now!" Roman says then Ruby attempts to call Jaune seeing she still has no service "I believe we only have one option." OObleck says "We're stopping that train!" Ruby says.

Oobleck knocks out a W.F member, Y/N spots something "That appears to be a bomb." Oobleck says which freaks everyone out"We got baddies!" Ruby says then the bomb starts to go off then the caboose detaches itself. They later find another bomb and realize they all have bombs! The next one goes off and detaches as W.F members get closer to the team, then Yang starts beating up a member then winks at Y/N before punching the guy through the hatch, then Y/N goes in and slashes a few memebrs and knock them off the train, as does Ruby. Another bomb explodes allowing grimm to get inside, leading grimm to the city, Oobleck realizes this and plans to try and stop the bombs andR Ruby, Oobleck and Zwei will stop the train OObleck uses Zwei as a weapon and hits him at a machine knocking it off. Y/N gives Blake some dust crystals then Neo appears "You 2 go ahead, she's mine." Yang says then Y/N and Blake run past them then they stare each other down before Yang attacks, then she attacks more but all her attacks get blocked or dodged by Neo, Yang having a hard time gets angrier as Neo smiles.

Blake and Y/N see a W.F member with a chainsaw"You go on ahead." he tells Blake"Finally I get to kill a Schnee" he says, then Blake finds Roman, she starts beating him, mostly on the defensive then they clash before she uses her semblance to get Roman's cane stuck in her ice clone before knocking him away.

Y/N is parrying attacks from the W.F member and landing some attacks before using glyphs to knock him around then he grabs Y/N by his face and slams him into the ground,and throwing him and goes for a slash.

Yang angrily walks up to Neo who smiles cutely and goes to attack but parries her attacks and basically playing with her, then she throws Yang in the air, knocking her out then Neo walks over and pulls out a sword before someone in a grimm mask comes through and attacking Neo, she gets scared and instantly teleport away, then she runs to Blake who is holding Y/N who got knocked out by the W.F member, after saving them she carcasses Y/N's cheek then goes through a portal and leaves. Eventually after dealing with them RWBY all reunite on top of the train and see a sealed off door Ruby and Y/N smile as he encases them in ice as an explosion can be heard and alarm sounds, Ruby looks around and sees they're in the city and then various grimm invade as everyone runs away.

Jane wakes up hearing her scroll going off "Um hello?" she hears static.They gear up and get on a bullhead "I got this feeling, I don't know" then they hear the alarms coming from Vale,"We're changing our mission, let's go!" then the bullhead heads to Vale.

RWBY is surrounded by grimm from all sides then the grimm rush them, Ruby sticks her scythe in the ground and knocks some grimm away, Yang jumps in the air shooting grimm but gets knocked down by nevermores, Blake is slashing at 2 grimms then shoots at the others as Y/N stabs one and uses his glyph to slash the ones behind him. Then Nora comes out of nowhere smashing the snake grimm"Nora Smash!" Rens lashes at grimm as Nora smashes more with her hammer'So who's first?" Jane asks then an ursa jumps behind her"O-oh-oh-okay. You're first, huh?" she says nervously while backing away,"Totally fine" she then starts slashing it multiple times before it falls over, then Sun and Neptunia show up"Everybody freeze Junior Detectives!" Sun says"We have badges so you know it's official" Neptunia says then Ironwood's army comes in making Sun drop his badge. A grimm jumps at Ruby, Y/N goes to take the hit but an airship shoots it before it attacks anyone and sends down robot soldiers to take out the grimm. Then Cinder's team appear and also aid in taking out grimm, then a giant robot pops out the ground then Zwei headbutts a robot, then from an airship Team CFVY's team jumps out.

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