Short filler chapter(Adds nothing important to story)

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Warning:Slight lewd.

Y/N was laying on his bed, bored with nothing to do, so he decides to take a bath and relax.

Ruby POV

I decided to try out a science experiment Aunt Qrow told me about to get more attention from Y/N, Yang did it too when she head about it. Now time to see if it works, I make my way into the dorm and see Y/N isn't there but then I see light under the bathroom door, perfect!

After I wash all the soap all of me I turn around to grab my towel and see Ruby, but she was.....different. 

"Hi Y/N!" she says surprising Y/N who covers his area"Ruby, you're different, and what are you doing in here!?"Y/N yells"Well you see-" Ruby gets interrupted "Ruby! Where are you! You better not be doing the surprise without me!" Ruby takes off he...

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"Hi Y/N!" she says surprising Y/N who covers his area"Ruby, you're different, and what are you doing in here!?"Y/N yells"Well you see-" Ruby gets interrupted "Ruby! Where are you! You better not be doing the surprise without me!" Ruby takes off her clothes and hides them under Y/N's before jumping in the shower with Y/N then closing the shower curtain, then Yang walks in, she's was also different

"Yang, what are you doing!" Y/N yells"Have you seen Ruby?" Y/N nervously shakes his head, then Yang leaves. He looks back and sees Ruby slowly reaching for something, this causes Y/N to jump through the door leaving a huge hole in it. He quickly puts some clothes on even though he's wet, then Ruby runs after him"Come back Y/N!" then he quickly runs out the dorm and past Yang who sees a naked Ruby pass her as well"Ruby! We had a deal!!!" Yang says while running after, then they past JNP,Glynda, Coco and Velvet who had similar changes and they chase him too"What is happening today!" He yells, then someone picks him up and runs.He looks and sees its Qrow "Oh! Ruby's aunt. Thank you for saving me!" No problem cutie(Great my plan is working! He'll be mine in no time.) Qrow thought after running they find a bullhead which was ready for them to leave. They quickly get on and see the girls yelling then start fighting each other. Qrow then kisses Y/N"W-what?" Y/N says confused"I decided to give myself a reward." Qrow said "How'd you even know where I was? And why do they have implants!?" Y/N asks"I set up this plan, got a friend of mine to use some magic, not implants."Y/N's eyes widen"You set this up!?" he then goes to the pilot"Turn this thing around!" then Qrow places her hand on his mouth and pulls him back"I told them you'd be mine." Qrow says smiling, not realizing the bullhead was going back to Beacon.

When it gets there and lands Y/N gets himself out of Qrow's grasp and ran back and sees the girls"Y/N came back!" Nora yells "Oh no!" Y/N said realizing he's surrounded. Then the girls start to groan in pain as they're magic enhanced chests and bums shrink a bit but not back to original size, he takes this chance and runs, he then goes to Ozpin's office and hides under his desk for the rest of the day


"They gave up on looking for you." Ozpin says, Y/N sighs of relief"Thank you for letting me hide here." Y/N says happily,"I remember those days myself." Ozpin replies and gives a little chuckle.Y/N goes to his dorm and sleeps, hoping nothing would come of this.

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