1.Nice To Meet You

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A/N- Hey guys! So, I know you've already read the first chapter of this book, but this is totally different. I decided to change the storyline of this book and I think the 'delicate' title fits much better with a story like this. I hope you enjoy it! I'm really excited to write this so I hope you love it as much as I do. Love always, Danielle.


It's almost six thirty when I open my eyes to find the bright early morning sunlight streaming in though the window. I let a gentle laugh fall from my lips as I realise why I've woken up so early, my eyes meet with the sight of my beautiful little girl curled up in bed beside me, surrounded by stuffed animals and the cats. These are my favourite mornings; my daughter so peaceful as the morning light hits her delicate features before we have to get up and start our day. "Good morning, mommy." She smiles as her eyes flutter open and I pull her into my arms as we stay cuddled under the blankets.

"Good morning, baby." I coo gently in her ear as I press a soft kiss to her temple. I smile as the little girl jumps up in bed, the peace quickly interrupted. "Mom, can we visit Grammy and Gramps soon?" I laugh as I sit up, nodding in response to the excited girl's question, "we'll go and see them soon, I promise."

I get out of bed and the little girl is quick to follow me. I walk downstairs to start breakfast before getting the girl ready for school, walking into the kitchen as she disappears into the living-room. "Emilie Faye, what do you want for breakfast?" I call through the house to her and soon hear the pattering of small feet and giggles coming towards me. "I want waffles, mom!" She puts the grumpy cat down on the ground as she giggles and I shake my head. Meredith has remained grumpy and egotistical over the years but as my daughter gets older she has learned to tolerate her attention increasingly more.

For the last five years it's been me and Emilie, making the best of things alone out here in Saint Louis. We don't see my parents nearly as much as we would like, Emmy really misses her Nana and Papa, but other than that we've always been happy here. Watching my little girl grow up into such a little bubbly and bright character is my biggest achievement by far and for as long as I can remember she's been the most beautiful and calm little soul.

"Here you go, honey." I set the plate down in front of her as I push her curly locks out of her face and press a soft kiss to her cheek. "Thank you, mommy." She smiles sweetly as I sit down by her side, admiring her for a few seconds. "Are you excited for your field trip today?" I smile at my little girl as she rapidly nods in response. I agreed to chaperone a field trip her kindergarten class is taking to the Saint Louis museum. Usually I would avoid the responsibility since being around other parents isn't my strong suit, but unfortunately for Emilie to attend the school she does, I have to make up a specific number of parental volunteering hours that I was just short of this year, which means I have no way of getting out of it since the school were short handed at the last minute.

"Finish eating and then we'll get you dressed, we can't be late this morning." I smile at my daughter as she happily eats her breakfast beside me, a typical morning in the Swift house.


"Do we have everything? Your lunch is in your backpack?" I look down at the little girl who's nodding, "yes, mom." I take her by the hand with a small smile and she skips along by my side as we leave the house. She climbs into the car and I make sure she's secured in her booster before getting into the driver's seat. "Mommy, when is daddy going to visit?" I sigh as I look back at my daughter in the mirror, she never asks about him, not for a long time now. "I don't know, baby girl." I give her a soft smile and she nods, not questioning me any more.

I make the short drive to her school, Emilie dancing along to the radio as one of my old songs plays and I can't help laughing along with my little girl. She's never really understood my old life, but she loves mommy's music which is heart warming to see and hilarious when she tries to sing along, getting the words wrong or just making them up. "Come on, sweetheart." I get out of the car and open her door, slinging her small backpack over my shoulder as I lift my five year old out of her booster seat and onto the ground.

She keeps a tight grip on my hand as we walk through the school gates, "mommy, can I go play with Gracie?" She looks up to me and I smile as I kneel down beside her, "can I get a hug first?" I raise an eyebrow and she giggles as she wraps her arms around my neck, "kiss," I give her puppy dog eyes and she giggles again, puckering her lips and kissing my cheek. "Can I go now, mommy?" I laugh as I stand back up, letting go of her hand. "Go on then, pumpkin. Be careful!" I call after her as she runs across the playground, smiling as she turns to wave.

I sigh as I look around, the other mom's are looking at me as if I'm a foreign creature and I try to figure out what I'm meant to do with myself. "That's an interesting choice in accessory." I hear the words come from behind me and when I turn around I'm met by the most gorgeous green eyes and a shy smile and momentarily I lose the ability to speak as my eyes run over the soft features of her face. "Oh- urm, yeah. It's my daughter's backpack." I laugh nervously as she smiles, "which one is she?" I turn around and proudly point to Emilie running around with her best friend. "Oh yea, Emilie right? She comes into my shop all the time with Cara."

I furrow my eyebrows as I look at her, "you know Cara?" She laughs, her eyes shining in the morning sun as her nose crinkles along the bridge, "she's been a pretty regular customer since we opened." An airy chuckle escapes my lips as I smile, "yea, that sounds like Cara. She raves about your cookies, Em loves them too." She blushes a little as she fiddles with her fingers. "Which one is yours?" I ask, returning the question and her mouth falls into an 'O' shape as she shakes her head, "I'm not a mom, I'm here with my niece Willow." She points out the little girl giggling with a group of girls by the swing set. "Are you chaperoning today?"

I'm a little more hopeful for her to say yes than I probably should be, at least if she's here then I'll have someone to talk to that doesn't look at me like an animal in a zoo, well at least I hope she doesn't. "I said yes to help out my sister and I was kinda regretting it until now." She has a confident smirk on her face that makes me blush. "I'm Karlie by the way, Karlie Kloss." I laugh as she reaches her hand out for me to shake, "well Karlie Kloss, I'm Taylor. Taylor Swift."

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