6. Burning Up

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- Taylor -

I woke up this morning with an awful fever. I'm sick and weary and I've barely been able to make it out of bed. It was such a downfall after the major higher of last night.

Cara and Kendall offered to keep Emilie for the weekend and I gratefully agreed because she's already been sick and I don't want her getting whatever I've picked up because it's very clear to me that it's not what she had. I made it as far as the bathroom this morning before having to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. I've been curled up in bed ever since, feeling sorry for myself.

"Why do you hate me, merebear? I feed you and give you a home." I whine at the cat as she runs away from me, "at least one of you loves me." I coo at Olivia who's curled up by my side, happily accepting my affection. "I should probably feed you guys, huh?" I sigh as I scratch Olivia's ear and both cats perk up at the sound of food. "Come on them." I sigh as I drag myself out of bed, slowly but surely making my way to the kitchen.

I fill their dishes with catnip and groan as I sit down on a barstool. I'm exhausted just from the walk down here. I lie my head down on the cold surface and sigh, the cold being a relief.

I guess I dozed off or something because I'm startled by the sound of my phone ringing beside me, the vibrations pounding through my skull. I groan as I pick it up, not even picking my head up off of the counter. "Hello?" I sigh, closing my eyes again. "Taylor? It's Karlie." I smile at the sound of her voice, "hey Karls, what's up?" My words are muffled by the counter but I can still hear the smile in her voice. "Cara told me you're sick and I got worried, you seemed fine last night. Is this weird?" She goes off on a nervous tangent and I smile "It's not weird, it's sweet. Thank you, Kar." I try my best to muster some energy but almost as soon as I'm finished my sentence I break into a fit of coughing and choking and I have to stop and take a minute.

"Is there anything I can do? You sound awful." I laugh as I glance over to the cats, "thanks." I hear her laugh through the phone, "that's not what I meant, just tell me how I can help. I can drop things off and go if you don't want Emilie to see me." I push myself up and rest my head on my hand, "Cara and Kendall are keeping Em, I don't want her getting sick again." I explain as I yawn, I'm totally exhausted. "So you're alone? Then I'm coming over to take care of you, no questions." I try to protest but she doesn't let me. "Karlie, you really don't have to. I told you, I'm a big girl."

"Taylor Alison Swift, stop arguing with me. I'll be over there in half an hour." I sigh, "you're lucky I don't have enough energy to argue. I'll leave the front door unlocked, I'll probably be asleep on the couch." I mumble as I get up and shuffle through the house to the living room. "I'll see you soon." She replies with a soft laugh and I hum a response before she hangs up.

I bundle up in the corner of the couch since I can't even muster the energy to get myself upstairs. I grab a blanket and wrap it around myself because even despite the warm climate at this time of year, I'm freezing.

- Karlie -

Taylor said she'd leave the door unlocked so I walk up the porch steps and push it open. "Tay?" I call out to her as I close the door behind me gently just in case she is sleeping. I don't get a response so I make my way to the living room when she told me she'd be.

I can't help smiling as I find her asleep on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket as the television plays quietly in the background. I sit down gently beside her, perching on the side of the sofa as her eyes flutter open. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I hum as I push her bangs out of her face and a soft smile spreads across her lips. "I'm okay." She mumbles and then breaks into a coughing fit. "Babe, you're burning up." I frown as I hold a hand to her forehead and she pulls the blanket tighter around herself. "I'm cold." She's shaking under all of her layers and I give her a soft smile. "Have you eaten anything?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Well how about I make you some soup? You need to eat something." I open the bag of stuff I picked up from the store, "I brought veggies and stock to make vegetable soup, if you're up to it?" She pushes herself up a little and gives me a serious look, "you don't have to do any of this, Kar. We've been on one date, you don't have to take care of me." I roll my eyes, "I know I don't have to, but I want to. So, you sit here and I'm going to make you some soup."

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