49. She Used To Be Mine

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- Karlie -

"I know it's cold, I'm sorry, buddy." I frown as I undo Oscar's zipper on his onesie, the newborn immediately protesting to the cold. "Momma's sorry, little guy." I hate hearing him cry, it breaks my heart. I try and change his diaper as quickly as possible, throwing it in the diaper genie beside the changing table.

"Here we go, Angel." I kiss his little face and Swaddle him again, calming his cries immediately as I lift him into my arms. "There's my happy little guy." I settle him in my arms and carry him back through the house to Taylor who's waiting in the sun room. Oscar is five days old now and Taylor is enjoying her freedom of not being confined to our bed all day. Emilie's at school and Siobhan took Lia out for the day to give us a little breathing space because the last few days have been overwhelming to say the least.

"Did momma change your diaper, baby man?" The blonde pouts as she takes Oscar from me and I sit back down on her other side. "Do you wanna come with me and get Emilie from school? The walk isn't far and it could do you some good to get out of the house." Taylor looks to me and nods, "I'd like that, I haven't been out in nearly a week." She laughs and I nod, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her forehead.


"Hey there, handsome boy." I smile at the baby as I lay him down in his stroller. He's wearing a sleeper with a little jacket over the top to keep him warm. I tuck the blue and white star print blanket around his little body and smile at my sleeping son, admiring just how perfect he is.

"Are you ready to go?" Taylor appears beside me and I nod, giving her a soft smile as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ears. "You look beautiful." I compliment her as she checks her appearance in the mirror and the blonde just laughs, "I just had a baby, I'm a mess." I shake my head and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "You just gave birth to our baby boy and that makes you beautiful. Every stretch mark, the pouch left behind from your bump, the bags under your eyes and even your granny panties. It all gave us our son; you gave us our son, and that's beautiful." I don't want her questioning herself for even a second because even now, she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.

"This is one of the many reasons I married you." She sighs, a sad smile on her face as she turns to look into my eyes. "You make me feel beautiful, even when I look a mess." I shake my head and bring her in to kiss her lips, "you might be a mess, but you're my mess." She laughs and I smile just from the sound of her soft laughter. "Let's go and get Emmy." She pulls away and I admire her in her yoga pants, plain white shirt and wool cardigan, her curls tied into a mom bun and minimal make up. Just like I told her the night we met and then again in my vows; I fell in love with every side of Taylor, even the suburban mom who drives a minivan and doesn't have the energy to straighten her hair.

We push the stroller out of the house and Taylor locks the front door behind us as we step out into the warm afternoon air. Saint Louis has been pleasantly warm as we go into March and start approaching spring and neither of us are complaining.

I push the stroller as Taylor walks along by my side, her arm hooked around mine as we slowly make the ten minute walk to the school. "Are you going into the studio tonight?" Taylor looks up at me with raised eyebrows and I nod, "unless you don't want me to, Hannah said that they can cover my classes for another week if we need more time." I don't wanna go back to work and leave Taylor too soon, especially tonight since Siobhan and Lia probably won't be back till late and it'll just be Taylor and Oscar since Em will be with me.

"I can manage on my own, and if not then we have an army of people we can call to come over. Its only a couple of hours and I was thinking about spending some time with Selena anyway since we've both been kinda busy having babies." Taylor laughs, looking up to me and I give her a wary nod in agreement, but really I don't know if I'm ready to go back to work and leave them.

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