21. Words Like Knives

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Just a little note to start, but when I imagine her character; Siobhan is basically Siobhan Sadler from Orphan Black, just in case anyone is wondering.

- Karlie -

It's Sunday. My heart is racing out of my chest. We have to leave for the airport in about an hour, and it's just dawning on me how difficult the next week is going to be, but it's gonna be so worth it. Lia was cleared to fly yesterday, so at 10 we board a plane back to St. Louis. I'm nervous and I know Siobhan is nervous, because for the last eight years, Lilia has never left her side.

"Morning, momma." The little girl looks up to me as she sits at the table eating her breakfast. "Good morning, sweetheart." I smile and kiss her cheek, my hand lingering on her shoulder for a second before I move to make coffee. "How are you feeling this morning, lovey?" I sit back down opposite her and she shrugs, "normal." I nod as I take a sip, normal used to mean healthy but now it just means that she hasn't picked up an infection because she's still going through the symptoms of her illness every day.

"All of her bags are in the trunk of the car already, we just need yours and then we're set to go." I nod and thank S as she sits down beside me. She's taking us to the airport at seven since we have to be there three hours early.

"Momma, I'm nervous." Lilia's green eyes look up at me and I give her a soft smile as I reach across the table to squeeze her hand. "I am too, baby, but S is going to join us next week and until then, you and I are going to have loads of fun." She smiles and nods but I can tell she's a little apprehensive. "Lilia, are you sure this is what you really want?" I don't wanna take her away if it's not what she really wants me to do. "Yes, I wanna live with you, mom." I squeeze her hand again and give her my best reassuring smile, "then I promise that this week is going to be okay, it'll be different but different isn't always bad." She nods and looks between Siobhan and I, "I believe you."

The next little while is spent getting ready and I pack my bag and put it in the car, and eventually, just before seven we leave for the airport. I'm nervously chewing on my lip as we drive and I can sense Siobhan looking at me, but Lilia is perfectly content  sitting in the backseat. When we arrive, Siobhan grabs a trolley for our bags and I get Lia out of the car and into her wheelchair.

The time before our flight passes quickly since we have to go through all of the security checks and soon we're in the boarding area waiting for our flight to be called.

"You be good for your mom now, you hear? I'll be phoning every day to make sure." Siobhan is getting emotional as she kneels in front of Lilia and I smile sympathetically as she holds her little hand. I would stick around the extra week if I could, but I have to work and it's just easier this way. "I think you should give grandma a hug." I talk quietly into Lia's ear and Siobhan narrows her eyes at me, she hates being called Grandma, so she's always been called S or Siobhan.

Lilia reaches over and S wraps her in a hug, and just as she pulls away our flight is called. "Okay, baby, it's time to go." I smile at Lilia and Siobhan and I both stand up, "be careful, and phone me if you need anything." She sighs as she hugs me and I nod, "we'll be fine, and we'll see you in a week, and then we can make all of this okay and find a way to get her better." S nods as we both fight tears, and I give her one last squeeze before letting go.

I take my carry on and push Lilia to the gate. We turn and wave at S and then we're allowed to board early so that the wheelchair doesn't hold things up. "Momma, how long are we going to be on the plane?" Lia looks back to me and I give her a gentle smile, I know she's nervous. "It's just over an hour, my love, and then Auntie Kimby is going to pick us up from the airport." We stop at the plane door, unable to take the wheelchair any further.

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