7. Stay With Me

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Hey guys, so my internets down which means updates are scarce but being written very quickly so when it's back up be prepared for more. I'm trying my best but I have limited data left so I'm restricted. More soon 💚

- Karlie -

I don't know what wakes me up at first, but it takes me a couple of seconds to figure out where I am. I feel the absence in the bed beside me and frown as I roll over to find Taylor missing from my side. I reach over for the light switch, and that's when I process the sound of throwing up coming from the bathroom. I jump out of bed and make my way to the door, knocking gently before pushing it open.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, you don't need to cry." I frown as I pull my fingers gently through her hair and brush it back as I tie it up out of her face. "I've got you, babe. It's okay." I stroke her back in soft circles, her breathing sounds weird. "I think we need to get you back to bed." I sigh as she leans back into my body. "Come here, I'll help you." I stand up and she grumbles as I try to help her up, "I can walk, Karlie." She snaps at me and I stand back, "you wanna walk by yourself? Alright, lets see that." I cross my arms and give into her stubbornness as she tries to insist on walking back to bed alone.

"Okay, nope." She starts stumbling almost the second she's on her feet. "Put your arm around my- or just fall into me." I chuckle softly as I lift the woman up into my arms. "Lie here, I'm going to find a thermometer." I lie her down in the middle of the bed and go back into the bathroom, looking through cabinets and drawers for a thermometer. "Okay, here. Put this in your mouth." I sigh as I sit down beside her. "Do you need anything, baby?" I give her a sad smile as I push her bangs back, "painkillers please, everything hurts." She groans as she takes the thermometer out of her mouth and I nod.

I turn on lights as I make my way downstairs, almost tripping over a cat in the process. "Sorry, Mere." I scratch the cat's ear as I apologise and she purrs before skulking off. "I should've brought these upstairs earlier." I mumble to myself as I grab the pack of tablets from the kitchen counter. I fill a glass with water and carry them both back upstairs, walking around the bed and sitting them on Taylor's nightstand. "Where's the thermometer?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her as she shrugs. "Taylor Alison Swift, don't hide it from me!" I give her a serious look and she sighs as she hands it back to me. "Your temperature is 102, babe that's not good."

I sigh as I cup her face with my hand, "if you're not better by the morning then I'm taking you to a doctor." She groans and buries her face in the pillow. "Here, take these and try and get a little more sleep." I hand her the painkillers as she sits up, swallowing the pills with a drink of water. "I'm cold." She whines and I crawl back under the covers beside her, wrapping her up tight in my arms and rubbing her arms to try and warm her up even despite the fever she's running.

"I can't be really sick, Kar. I have to take care of Emilie, I haven't had more than a cold since she was born." She mumbles into my chest as I rub her back. "You can't help it if you're sick, Taylor." She's basically shivering in my arms which tells me that this is so much more than a cold. "But Emilie needs me, I'm all on my own with her so I can't be sick." She's getting emotional now but I just rub her back in soft gentle circles. "I'm sure Cara and Kendall would help you out, and.. I can give you a hand with Em, if you need me too. I know we agreed to wait and if I'm overstepping then tell me, but I'd be happy to give you a hand until you're feeling better." She looks up at me with teary eyes and I don't know if it's the fever but she looks into my eyes, "you would do that?"

I give her a soft smile and nod, "of course I would. I know Emilie fairly well already and I can handle making a few meals and keeping her occupied. If you would be comfortable with that, I know this is still really new." I trace small circles on her arm as she looks up at me with big eyes, "I might have to take you up on that." She mumbles and nuzzles her face into chest. Her breathing is rapid and shallow which worries me even more, "try and get some sleep, babe. We can talk about this in the morning." She nods but her eyes are already closing, and I watch her features soften as she falls asleep again. It's going to be a long night.

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