36. My World Is Only You

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- Karlie -

It's been a week and a few days since we last saw Taylor in New York. The girls were so much more settled after seeing their mommy and seeing that she was okay, and for the last week things have been more calm and less tense in our household. When we spoke to Taylor's doctor at the clinic, he said that Teff is doing really well. She got upset a lot in the beginning when her treatment first started and she had no control, but she knew that she had to do it for the baby, so as time went on she stopped fighting and did everything that was asked of her. I couldn't be more proud of the way she has handled this and I'm even more overjoyed by the fact that she's coming home today.

The girls don't know yet, but once I've dropped Emilie off at school, I'm flying out to New York to bring her home. She's doing well and we have doctors and therapists and nutritionists setup here to keep her on the right track, so there is no reason for her to be so far away anymore. Lilia is spending the day with Siobhan and she's going to keep the little brunette occupied whilst I bring her mommy home.

"Momma, you look really pretty today." I hear Emilie's little voice from the backseat and she melts my heart as I peek back at her once we hit a red light. "Thank you, baby. That's so sweet of you to say." Emilie definitely has Taylor's personality; she's kind, loving, selfless and damn right stubborn when she wants to be. But every single part of the person she is becoming is why I've loved this little girl like my own since the day I met her. "Can we go to the bakery for milkshakes after school today, momma? I wanna tell auntie Kris about the surprise we did for mommy."

When we got back from New York, the girls weren't exactly happy about leaving Taylor behind so we decided to start a little project to keep them happy until she is home. It makes them happy because they want to make their mommy happy, and even Lilia has managed to help a bit. even despite the effects of her chemo really starting to hit home now.

"We'll see, lovey. I might have to work a little later than usually today, so it might be Auntie Kenny or Auntie Sel picking you up today." I'm not exactly sure what time we're going to get back from New York, so I don't wanna get her hopes up if I can't keep my promise. "Okay, momma." She's not annoyed or angry about me maybe saying no, whereas this time last week something like this would've caused World War 3 with Emilie.

"Come on, honey." I smile as I park the car and open her door. Technically we could just walk to school because it isn't too far, but Taylor always drove her for safety reasons, and I don't wanna switch that up unless I ask Tay about it first. I let the little monkey climb onto my back and grab her backpack, locking the car behind me.

"Can we get a puppy?" The little blonde has her arms wrapped around my neck and I'm holding onto her legs as we walk through the school gates and I just laugh. "Emmy, we have two cats at home already, and your mommy is about to have a new baby. Don't you think that's enough for now?" She shakes her head, of course she doesn't think that. "Can't we get Joe again, he lived with you before." I sigh and put her down on her feet, "mommy doesn't like dogs, angel. Joe was just a little too loud and jumpy for your mommy, so we can talk to her but I don't see it happening anytime soon. We can visit him at Nana and Papa Kloss's house."

Emilie sighs and pouts but nods as I hold onto her hands as I kneel down in front of her. "We just need to focus on getting mommy and the baby home and then we can talk about it, okay?" She nods and wraps her arms around my neck to give me a hug. "Have a good day, baby girl." I kiss her cheek just as the bell rings and she kisses mine too, "have a sunshiny day, momma." She let's go and I just smile as I watch her run off to join her class. It amazes me everyday what a bright little soul she is and how much she's grown and changed since Taylor and I started dating.

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