13. Alone Together

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- Taylor -

"We'll bring her by in a couple of hours, we just need to have a little chat first." I smile at Kristine as I rest my hand on Emilie's back. We figured out from Willow what had Em so upset after school yesterday, and I think it's about time we address it. "Of course, take your time." She releases Karlie from a hug and then hugs me too before we say goodbye to Karlie's family and start walking back to the car.

Emilie climbs into the car and I buckle her in as she swings her legs. I get in too and Karlie pulls out of her parents' driveway. Karlie's been really on edge today as well, and I can tell she's keeping something from me but I don't want to force her to tell me, I want her to feel comfortable enough to tell me in her own time.

We drive back home in silence, the only noise in the car being the radio playing quietly in the background. Today was a long day for us all, but it was so nice to see Emilie interact with Karlie's family and make friends in Willow and Daisy, she's usually so shy that she doesn't really socialise much with other little kids. "Looks like someone's had a bit too much excitement." Karlie laughs gently and pulls me from my thoughts as I realise we're already home and Emilie has fallen asleep in her booster. "She had a lot of fun today." I smile at Karlie as she squeezes my hand, our fingers already resting on the centre console. "Come on, let's get her inside." I nod and jump out of the car, opening Em's door and carefully undoing the buckle before lifting her out. Her legs wrap around my waist and her arms clamp around my neck as her head lols on my shoulder, and Karlie grins as she takes in the sight of her wrapped around me.

The taller woman opens the front door and closes it once we're inside and the cats come rushing towards me. Meredith follows me as I walk to the living-room, and as I lie Emmy down on the couch she jumps up beside her and curls up against the sleeping girl, immediately taking on the role as her protector.

I press a kiss to her forehead and push myself back up, walking back through the house until I find Karlie in the kitchen, staring absentmindedly out the window. "Hey." I sigh, smiling to myself as I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my cheek against her back. "Is Em still out?" She places her arms over mine as they wrap around her midriff and I nod against her shoulder. "Meredith's already curled up protecting her." I laugh and Karlie smiles, I love it when she smiles. "What do you wanna do tonight?" She spins around so she's leaning against the worktop and my body is leaning against her front as my arms wrap around her waist. "Well once we drop Em off with Kris, we have the whole night to ourselves and I know what I wanna do." I smirk as I start pressing soft kisses along her jawline and my hands hold her hips, slowly inching under the fabric of her shirt.

"Well I think that can be arranged." Karlie's voice is a low seductive hum and my stomach tightens at the sound. Her hands slip into my back pockets as she pulls me in closer and plants a kiss on my lips before dominating my mouth. We pull away for air and she connects her lips to the sweet spot on my neck which elicits a soft moan to pass my lips.

"Mama?" Karlie pulls away from me immediately as we hear the gentle footsteps coming along the hall and I turn around to see Emilie in the doorway. She walks to my side and holds her arms out like she used to when she was really little so I scoop her up and sit her on my hip as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Did we wake you, honey?" I smile as she rubs her tired eyes and she shakes her head. "Why does Karlie have lipstick on her face, mama?" I bit my lip and smirk as Karlie wipes at her jawline to try and get my lipstick off of her face. I ignore Emilie's question and hoist the little girl up a little, "baby, mommy wants to have a little chat with you, is that okay?" I rub the little girls back as she nods and I smile. "Do you want me to go and pack her a bag? Give you guys a little privacy?" Karlie rests her hand on the small of my back and I nod, "if you don't mind, babe. You might also wanna think about washing your face." I laugh and she rolls her eyes as she walks off towards the stairs. "Why don't we go and sit down?" I smile at Emilie who just clings to me so I carry her back to the living room and sit down on the sofa.

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