20. Running Off And Never Saying Sorry

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- Taylor -

It's been three days since we got to Nashville, and it's been such a relief being with our family but I know that if I don't get back today then Adam is going to be really angry, and I'm sure that I've already angered him enough. "Your father and I will be down in a couple of weeks to visit for Emilie's birthday." My mom lets go of me as we stand by the car in the driveway. "I'm already counting down the days." I laugh as my hand squeezes Emilie's. "We should get going, shouldn't we?" She looks up to me and nods, but I know she's a lot more excited to get back than I am.

"Love you, honey. Stay safe." My dad kisses my cheek and I nod, smiling sadly as I hug him. "Come on, lovey." I open Emilie's door and she climbs up and into the backseat. I help her get strapped in and close her door before getting in the front, waving to my mom and dad as I pull out of the driveway.

I texted Adam before we left to tell him that we would be home in about four hours, hoping that he would have time to sort out whatever mess he's been in for the last few days. When my phone pings on the holder in front of me, I realise that it's him and pull over to the side of the road to read it. My heart falls into my stomach when I realise just how angry he is and I don't even wanna anticipate what's waiting for me at home. "What do you think about having a playdate with Grace when we get home?" I look back to Emilie, I don't want her being there to face whatever bad mood Adam is in. Emilie nods and I give her a soft smile as I text Cara asking if it's okay to drop Em off when we get back, and then I put my phone back on the holder and start driving again.

I'm not excited to get home, I really don't wanna face Adam, but I know that I can't hide from him forever.

- Karlie -

Over the last three days, Lilia has gotten much better and we brought her back home yesterday. She's still dealing with the symptoms of her illness, but she's pretty much over the infection which is relieving. Siobhan found out that she has to give two weeks notice before moving out, so I contacted the realtor in St. Louis and she said that we can move in as soon as I've made the safety deposit and paid the first months rent, so that's what I did. I want to get all of this moved on and I want us to settle at home together, and now that means we can do that within the next two weeks.

Siobhan made an appointment to clear Lilia for travel, and when I go home on Sunday, she's going to come with me. I won't be able to make the trip back to help her move out next week, and Lilia wouldn't handle the fourteen hour drive from New York to St. Louis, so instead she's going to make the hour and a bit flight with me and we're going to have a week together before S gets there. I have to admit that I'm nervous about being on my own with her, but I'm sure that I can handle it.

"Karlie, can you pass me that box?" Siobhan points to the empty box next to the dresser and I pass it over as we pack up some of Lilia's stuff. I'm packing a suitcase for the week ahead, with multiple outfits and sets of pyjamas and everything else folded up. I grab one of her favourite blankets and fold it up too, setting it aside to put in my carry on later. Lilia is lying in bed watching a film on the TV as we work around her, and as I move the half packed suitcase to the corner of the room I hear her little voice. "Momma, where's Cher?" I sit on the edge of the bed and push her little brunette hairs out of her face. "I don't know baby, where did you last have her?" She shrugs and I look to S, "I think she's on the sofa downstairs." I nod and kiss Lia's forehead, "I'll go grab her for you."

I get up and walk downstairs to grab the stuffed unicorn from the sofa. I find it under a bundle of pillows and as I pick it up, my phone rings in my back pocket. "Hey Kris." I smile as I answer the call, sitting on the edge of the sofa. "Hey Kar, I was wondering what time you're going to be home on Sunday?" I frown and play with the fluffy unicorn distractedly, "why?" I ask, knowing she wouldn't be calling if that wasn't important. "I haven't seen you in forever, do I need a reason to see my sister." I sigh and furrow my eyebrows, "Kris, there's something I need to tell you." I know keeping this from my family isn't going to do any good, so I think it's time to let them know.

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