3. I'm Not Gay

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"Auntie Cara's going to stop by in a little while." I talk softly as I run my fingers through my daughter's curly blonde locks as she lies beside me on the couch. I got her home and changed into her pjs and we've been cuddled on the couch since. She keeps falling in and out of sleep but every time I even offer the option of moving up to either her bed or mine she protests. She hasn't eaten anything since she had lunch this afternoon but when I spoke to her paediatrician I was told that is okay as long as she drinks plenty, but I can't help worrying.

"Are you hungry, baby girl?" I coo as she looks up from my lap, "no, mommy." She shakes her head and I sigh but I don't push her. "Okay, angel." I smile as her eyes flicker back to the screen in front of us. She's watching Alice In Wonderland for the millionth time but it makes her happy so who am I to complain?

We finish Alice In Wonderland and by the time it's over she's asleep on me again. I smile at her sleeping face, her features soft and peaceful. She's still really warm even despite the Tylenol I gave her a while ago to battle her fever. I make a mental note to make an appointment with her doctor if she's not better in the morning.

The doorbell sounds through the house and I ease Emilie off of me, she stirs a little but Mere jumps up beside her and she's instantly soothed by the presence of the cat. I smile as I push my glasses up and cover her with a blanket before going to answer the front door. "Hey, Emilie's asleep on the sofa. She just finished Alice In Wonderland for the millionth time." I laugh, talking quietly as I walk past the living room where Em is sleeping peacefully.

"How was the field trip? Grace seemed to love it." She laughs as she sits down on one of the island stools and I lean against the counter. "It was okay, I still don't understand how they expected five year olds to pay attention to some adult talking about history, I mean they're five- all they care about is dinosaurs and fairytales." I roll my eyes, "Em was pretty clingy so I didn't pay very much attention to it either, I was carrying her around the whole time."

I start making coffee as she watches me but I can sense something is off, she's not telling me something. "What is it Cara?" I laugh as I turn to her and she pulls the overdramatic pretend act where she tries to tell me nothing is going on. "Don't do it, Delevingne. I know you're up to something." I warn her and again she lets out an over exaggerated sigh before rushing into a huge speech, "so, I have this friend that I totally think you would hit it off with and I might've arranged a date because I know you won't and-" I immediately cut her off with a hard stare, "it's not going to happen, Cara." I stand with my arms crossed, not even entertaining the idea of it.

"Taylor, just listen to me- she's really great and I didn't tell her who you are so she's not just in this for your fame or whatever, she's interested in you Tay." I furrow my eyebrows as I look at her, "What do you mean, she? Cara I'm not gay." I get flustered as I try to avoid her gaze, "please, Tay. Remember who you're talking to, remember who was there for you after-" I hold my hand up to stop any other words escaping her lips, "we don't say that name in this house." I warn her but she smirks, "my point exactly. Please, just give it a try. She's lovely, Taylor." I sigh, keeping my arms crossed as I try to reason away even the thought of saying yes. "Does she know I'm a mom? Because Emilie comes first in any situation, Cara. I don't want her getting attached to someone for them to just leave and break her little heart."  

She nods, "like I would even consider it without thinking of Em first. I'm her fairy godmother, Tay. I would never set you up with someone I thought would hurt you. And anyway, even if you don't hit it off, it's a bit of fun. When was the last time you had fun?" I roll my eyes, "exactly, so please, just say yes already." I sigh as I nod, "fine, but it probably won't come to anything." I shake my head as I pick up my coffee and take a sip, this is definitely going to be interesting.


"Do you wanna sleep in mommy's bed tonight, baby girl?" I kneel down beside my daughter who's still lying on the couch. It's nearly her bedtime but I know she's not going to go anywhere if I'm not there, so I already knew the answer to my question before I asked. "Yes please, mommy." She mumbles as she holds her arms out for me to pick her up and I do just as she wants. She wraps her arms around my neck as she buries her face in my shoulder and I carry her to bed after turning the TV off. I'm closely followed by Meredith as I make my way upstairs. Although she was wary of the new addition when she was first born, Mere quickly became incredibly protective of Emilie, she loves her more than she ever loved me and most of the time Em is the only person she'll tolerate, it's kinda sweet.

"Mommy." She calls out for me as I lay her down on the bed, whining at the loss of contact. "I'm right here, baby. Gimme one minute and we can cuddle, okay?" I get mumbles in response as I push her hair off of her forehead and leave a quick kiss in it's place. I change into my pyjamas and then slip into bed beside my baby, pulling her into my arms and fulfilling my promise of cuddles as she curls into my side. Her breathing is quick to even out and even though it's only eight thirty I decide I'm probably best to get an early night, something that doesn't usually happen too often.

I start drifting off to sleep with my daughter bundled up in my arms and then I hear my phone pinging on the nightstand. I roll my eyes as I reach over, I thought I had turned it onto silent already. I find a text from Cara saying 'I told her you said yes. The date is Friday night, she's picking you up at six, wearing something pretty.' I roll my eyes again and put it down after turning it onto silent. I can't believe I agreed to this, I mean I'm not even gay.

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