Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jeongyeon's POV

"Jeongyeon-ah, your brother is calling you" I heard Mina said to me while hitting me hard. I open my eyes and get my phone from her.

"What?" I answer the phone

"Where the hell are you?!" Jinyoung oppa shouted and I heard Eunha unnie from the background

"I slept in Mina's house, why?" I asked and Mina sit between my legs. I kissed the top of her head and hug her.

"Mom's here. Come home now" Jinyoung oppa said and ended the phone call.

"Jinyoung oppa been texting you. I think you need to go home now" Mina said. I went out the bed and pull Mina with me.

"Yah! Jeongyeon-ah! Where are you going to bring me?!" Mina shouted while I put her inside my car.

"My mom won't hurt me if she sees me with you" I said and started my car and drive away.

We are now in our house and I parked my car infront of the house. Mina and I went inside the house and mom's ready to slap me when she saw Mina and put her hands down.

"Jeongyeon-ah! Where have you been yesterday?! Your brother said you didn't come home!" My mom shouted, I searched for Mina's hand from behind and hold it tight.

"I'm with my girlfriend, why?" I said and show mom my hands while holding Mina's hand. I saw mom smile at us.

"You finally have a girlfriend that I like" mom said and smiled at Mina.

"Breakfast is ready. Eat breakfast before you leave" mom said, Mina was about to run to the kitchen but I stopped her.

"No thanks. We'll have our breakfast in my cafe" I said and pull Mina outside. We are walking to the cafe when Mina holds my hand.

"Don't forget the deal. We are just pretending to keep Nayeon safe" I said and we stop when Sana pull Mina from me.

"Yah! Jeongyeon-ah! Don't dare steal Mina from me!" Sana shouted and I just laugh at her.

"Stop it Sana" Mina said and kissed Sana on her cheeks.

"Yah! Penguin! Don't you dare kiss me when you use that lips to kissed Jeongyeon! I hate you!" Sana said and pouted.

"Waeyo?! We asked if we can kiss each other and you said yes! I love you to jealous hamster" Mina said. I saw Nayeon coming to us so I pull Mina to me.

"Yah! Don't steal my penguin, Sanake" I said when Nayeon was beside Sana.

"Unnie, are you done eating?" Sana asked Nayeon. Nayeon look at me.

"I'm not hungry" Nayeon said and look again at Sana.

"That bunny is jealous" I heard Mina whispered at me. I just messes her hair and she pouted. I look at Sana and saw her glaring at me.

"Sana, we have to go. This penguin needs to eat" I said and pull Mina to the cafe when Nayeon shouted that makes me stop walking.

"Yah!! Jeongyeon-ah! Saranghae!" I didn't look at her and saw someone from beside of my cafe that is listening to us.

"I told you Nayeon. I don't love you and please stay away from me" I said it loud so mom's spy can hear me.

"Let's go Mina" I said and went inside my office in the cafe and went to the sofa.

"Hey, Jeongyeon-ah. Are you okay?" Mina said and saw her sit at my chair.

"Mom hired a spy. She's been spying me since yesterday" I said and put my both hands in my face.

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