Chapter 9 - London

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Meet me again tomorrow morning Haz? I’ll be waiting at the park at 8. We need to sort this out, asap.x – E

‘Night Haz…’ Niall mumbled, his arms falling limply around Harry’s waist, giving Harry’s lips a quick kiss. They still hadn’t had their real kiss yet.

‘Night’ he pulled Niall in closer, who rested his head on Harry’s chest, ‘I love you’ he kissed Niall’s forehead lightly.

Niall easily drifted off to sleep, a small smile showing on his lips, his soft snores filling the room, whereas for Harry, it took a much longer time.


Hey Niall :)

It’s probably like… 10 o’clock now, knowing you and how late you sleep it bed, you lazy arse. Anyway, I’m sorry I’m not there when you wake up, I’ve gone out, but I’ll be home soon, if I’m not, don’t wait up for me, if I need to, I’ll buy lunch elsewhere.


I don’t care how hungry you get, I’m making you them tomorrow.

If you need anything, call me?

I love you<3

Harry x

That was what Harry had left on his pillow for Niall to find when he woke up. And he did find it. He smiled at it, Harry always made him laugh, and it still amazed him how much Harry did know him, because it was half ten and he’d only just got up. The only thing bothering him was where had he gone? He could have said in the note, but for some reason he chose not to, and Niall wanted to know why.

He got changed and called Liam, they were off work again today, so he could spend the day with him until Harry got home.


‘Hey Liam, can I come over? Harry seems to have gone out’


‘Can I come over?’

‘Er… Sure, come now if you want’

Niall hung up the phone and crossed the hall, using the key Liam had given him to get into the flat. He was sat in his living room watching the news and munching on a bowl of cereal.

‘Hey’ he smiled, put his cereal down on the coffee table in front of him and patted the seat next to him, which Niall took, ‘So where’s Harry gone to then?’

Niall hesitated, he knew how bad it would sound to someone else, ‘He’s gone… Um…’

‘You don’t know do you?’

Niall shook his head, ‘He left a note for me, saying he was going out and some other stuff, but he missed of where he was going’

‘Have you texted him?’


‘Well text him then!’

Liam leaned over his shoulder as he composed a text to send to Harry.

Harry, where are you? I know, you’ve gone out, but where?

Liam repeatedly told Niall that the text didn’t sound to over protective, which he thought; he told him that he worried too much about silly things.


‘Harry where are you?’ Niall asked down the phone, Liam stood behind him, both of them could hear the purposely muffled giggles in the background.

‘I’m out, I’ll be home soon, okay? I love you!’

Before Niall could argue with him, he hung up the phone. Liam looked at Niall sternly, and turned him to face him, holding his shoulders.

‘I know what you’re thinking, he wouldn’t be with Emma without telling you, he’s probably with fans or something, don’t jump to conclusions’

Niall bit his lip, but nodded, now wanting to change the subject, ‘So, what should we do today?’

Liam took the hint of the subject change and sat back down, taking out his phone, ‘Wanna go out with the other boys? We could go to the London Eye or something, meet some fans’



‘Niall! Can I have a picture with you?’ a fan asked, standing hopefully before him.

He stood beside her, his arm around her waist, both of them smiling, and Zayn took the photo for her. She thanked them, got their autographs and left like all the other fans. Some just waved at them as they walked through the streets of London, not wanting to interrupt them, but some came over, and they were fine with that. They took dozens of photos each, their autographs scrawled on scrap paper, phones, hands, all sorts.

Some fans were asking Niall where Harry was, but he just gave them an awkward laugh, not knowing what to say, but one of the other boys usually saved him by asking them questions. But there was one fan that caught all four boys’ attentions completely.

They were on the London Eye, a couple of other people in the cart with them, two of them fans. But they looked worried, they didn’t even ask for a photo or autograph straight away.

‘So do you girls want an autograph? Picture?’ Liam asked, smiling, taking his pen out of his jacket pocket.

‘After…’ one of them said quietly, ‘But we need to… show you something’

‘Oh’ Liam said, putting his pen away, confused like the rest of them at what they were talking about.

The one that spoke pulled out her phone and opened the pictures, selecting one of her new ones, and holding it away from their view at first.

‘We heard you were in London today, so we came down, just so see you, we weren’t going to come and ask for a picture or anything, just to see you’ she hesitated, ‘But when we were searching for you, we’d heard Harry wasn’t with you, and we were a bit confused on why he wasn’t, but we ignored it and carried on searching’

The boys still didn’t understand what they were trying to tell us, ‘But we didn’t find you until now, but we found Harry,’ she bit her lip, and turned the picture towards them, and the shock on their faces wasn’t easy to hide.

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