Chapter 12 - Chasing cars

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Louis’ eyes fluttered open and could just make out the black outline of Niall’s head in the darkness, which he had lifted from Louis’ chest.

‘What’s up?’

‘I can’t sleep’ he said quietly, blinking innocently, ‘I keep thinking of Harry…’

The pain laced into Niall’s’ voice hurt, he hated seeing the younger boy upset. He wasn’t a person who could get too upset too easily. He was usually carefree and happy. What had Harry done to him?

Louis smiled, clicking on the table light next to him, giving the room a dim glow, but light enough to make each other out. He pushed himself up into a half-sitting position, Niall still leaning on him. Louis lightly pushed Niall’s head back onto his chest and twirled the blonde boys hair between his fingers. He’d always do this when his sisters couldn’t sleep back home, which, in a way, applied to Niall. He was basically his younger brother.

Louis started to sing softly into Niall’s ear, the first song that came into his head.

Chasing cars.

‘We’ll do it all


On our own

We don’t need


Or anyone’

Niall smiled, his eye lids starting to get heavy.

‘Those three words

Are said too much

They’re not enough

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world?’


‘Mhmm?’ Louis answered, stopping singing.

‘You’re amazing’


‘Niall? Niall!’ Harry shouted, standing in the centre of the living room, spinning on his heel to see the full view of the room.

There was no answer, so he decided he might be asleep.

But he wasn’t in the bedroom.

Or the kitchen.

‘Niall? Where are you…’ the realisation of what he had done hit him right across the face.

Niall was fragile. He’d been broken too many times before and Harry had promised he wouldn’t. He promised he’d treat him right and make him happy. But he broke that promise.

What the hell had he done?

He pushed open the bathroom door, he wasn’t there either. Harry let out an aspirated sigh, planting himself down on the edge of the bath tub. His feet crossed over each other nervously, kicking the floor every now and then as he tried to think where the boy could be.


Harry lifted his feet from the floor quickly, holding his arms up as he searched for the source of the noise.

There was a razor by the sink, broken in half. Niall’s razor. Harry picked it up, inspecting it. There were blood stains all over the sharp blades.

‘Shit…’ Harry cursed under his breath, dropping it and seeing the blood drops on the rug.

He jumped up to the sink, the streaks of dry blood along the edge of it, right down to the plug hole. He pushed the wall mirror towards his face, he could see his colour drain from his face as he saw the mirror.

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