Chapter 15 - What's right

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Harry knew exactly where Niall would be, it wasn’t hard to guess, he always went there when he was upset. The only problem was, Harry had only been there once or twice, and hardly knew his way there. He knew the general way, so he trusted his instincts and took that path, hopefully it’d be right. If it wasn’t he was stuck.

Niall held his phone up in front of the heart, taking a picture of it. He clicked ‘attach’ and wrote a small message on his phone to Louis along with the picture.

Look what I found carved into the tree Lou. I only showed Harry this place when we started dating too. So much for me, huh?

He pressed the send button and hoped Louis would be able to cheer him up, or at least comfort him, something Harry seemed to be lacking lately. Louis seemed to care about him more than Harry ever did.

Now, there was nothing to do other than wait for Louis’ reply and think. He slumped down against the tree trunk and closed his eyes; it was peaceful up here, no distractions, no sounds.

He could easily fall asleep here….


‘For God’s sake Niall, answer the phone!’ Louis shouted into the answer phone.

He’d got Niall’s text about ten minutes ago and didn’t really understand what he meant, other than Harry had done something wrong, very wrong. And since the text, he’d been trying to get hold of Niall, he’d texted him, called him, tweeted him, but nothing worked. He knew it was probably nothing, maybe Niall just wasn’t in the mood for talking at the moment, but there was a niggling feeling at the back of his mind that he kept pushing back.

Soon enough, the worry took over his mind and he switched the TV off, and flashes of Niall standing in his house, blood all over him, played over and over.

He held his head, was he doing it again? Would he be able to get into their flat and find him?

He had to turn to his last resort, the only way to find out if Niall was safe, he should know that is, he said he cared, but then again, lately, he was known for lying.

He opened his contacts on his phone and pressed their number on his sleek, black iPhone. They picked up on the third ting.

‘Hello? Harry? Is Niall with you?’

‘No, I know where he is though’ he said, it was hard to hear though, there must have been a lot of people around, ‘I think. I’m on my way anyway’

‘Yeah well you better get wherever it is quick’ Louis replied, you could easily make out the relief in his voice that Niall wasn’t at home.

‘Why what do you mean?’

‘He found what you carved into the tree with Emma’

‘Oh shit’

‘Well played Harry, well played. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with him.’


Niall had fallen asleep on the hill, falling from leaning against the tree and onto the floor, but it hadn’t awoken him, he was still catching up on his sleep, though he had grazed the side if his cheek as he went down. His head was resting on some daises, which were now dead with him lying on them.

Harry was at the bottom of the hill, and could make out Niall’s figure, even in this evening light. He made his way up the slope, making up a speech in his head to say to Niall.

Reaching the top, Niall hadn’t moved. Harry slouched down next to him, he was asleep. He wanted to wake up him, and talk to him, but he couldn’t he looked down peaceful and cute in his sleep, a soft smile placed on his lips. Harry hadn’t seen him like this for a while, not since they’d started dating.

‘Mhmm Harry?’ mumbled a voice from below Harry.

Niall had woken up, and grabbed onto Harry’s shoulder to pull himself up. He snuggled into Harry’s chest straight away before he said anymore, his eyes closing again. Harry looked down on Niall, holding his arms up for a few moments, not knowing what to do. He decided to lower his arms down lightly and hold Niall closer to him.

Bad choice.

As soon as he put weight down on Niall, he shot upwards and glared coldly at Harry, pushing his arms away.

Then it got bad.

Then he exploded.


‘No!’ Niall screeched, standing up, ‘No Harry! I’ve had enough!’ he began to pound down the hill, getting as far from Harry as he could, as quickly as he could.

Harry tried to grab Niall, as he followed him down the hill, ‘Niall! Just listen for a minute! Don’t I even deserve that?’

Harry’s hand reached Niall’s arm, but he wouldn’t turn around, they stood in that position for about two minutes.

‘You don’t’ Niall said quietly, ‘You don’t deserve anything of me’


‘Why did you take him back Niall?’ Louis groaned, before pulling Niall onto the sofa with him, holding him close.

Niall wasn’t crying this time. Sure, he was upset, but he felt more numb than anything else. It was like, the first time Harry cheated on him, it hurt, but it didn’t feel real. And then when he came back for him, he just had to take him back, whereas now, it was all becoming real. He was only thinking about it properly now.

Harry snuck out with Emma while the two boys were dating.

Harry had kissed Emma while they were dating.

Harry had sex with Emma while they were dating, and didn’t stop when Niall saw them.

Harry carved his and Emma’s name in a heart whilst they were dating.

Harry loved her. It hit Niall like a ton of bricks, but Harry loved Emma, and not Niall. It was for Emma, and always for Emma.

He loved Harry, for all it was worth, even if Harry didn’t love him back like that. All he wanted was for Harry to be happy, and he obviously wasn’t with Niall, but he was with Emma, if he wanted to spend so much time with her.

‘Niall? Are you there?’ Louis asked, snapping his fingers in front of Niall’s face.

‘Sorry…’ Niall answered, standing up.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I have to do what’s right. Harry isn’t happy with me, but maybe he’ll be with Emma’

Louis raised his eyebrows, not really understanding what Niall had meant fully.

‘I’m going to break up with Harry’

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