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OK. SO. I KNOW THAT, I FINISHED THIS STORY AGES AGO, BUT. Just in case some people have been reading this lately and going HM, WELL THIS STORY ENDED ON KINDA A RUBBISH ENDING,DUNNO WHATS GUNNA HAPPEN NOW. Well you're stupid. Jokes, you arent stupid, you're just a silly willy xD

There is a sequel on my profile, called 'Full of secrets: Last Chance.' 

Sorry, if you think I'm weird for posting this. Its just the sequel didnt have that many reads compared to this orginal story, so i thought maybe people didnt realise there was a sequel... or maybe you just thought 'oh ma gerd this story is poo poo, i so not reading any more urgh'.. thats probably more likely :D

Soz boz, im a bit hyper... Mmmmm..... is that it... errrr..... OH YE. Pleaseee read my other stories, especially 'Gone', 'Tainted Love', or 'Guardian Angel' :3 they're my new ones that i am really enjoying to write, sso tanks bruv. :P

Also im so sorry if youre asking me to update a story because i havent in so long. i got too many story ideas at once and i wanted to write them before someone else might have thought of it and written it.. so i kinda have got too many stories (a lot too many) rolling at once :/

OKAY. that is all. i think. i hope. lol. okay bai. AND OH YEAH ONE LAST THING. people also are lke 'bye bananas' or 'bye turtles' at the end of their stories (i have never seen anyone use those before they are totally random, but you get the jist of it) and i wanna use one! I bet this gets no comments BUT STILL. if you have any ideas for what i could call you guys put it in the comments xD

I've just put random bold and italics willy nilly havent i? :D aw. who likes britishy expressions :D

Mmm... M'kay bai.


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