Chapter 16 - 'You're a cocky twat!'

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‘Niall!’ Harry exclaimed, as he caught sight of the blonde boy entering their bedroom, ‘You came back’

A ghost of a smile flickered on Niall’s face, and he went and sat next to Harry.

‘Look, Ha-’ he began, but Harry cut him off without realising Niall had been talking.

‘Niall, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have carved it in the first place, I know. I promise this time that I’ll stick by you, I won’t talk to Emma anymore’

‘You always promise things Harry, you never keep them though. But I’ve been thinking. You were happy with Emma, right?’

Harry nodded in response, unsure of where Niall’s speech was going.

‘And then when you were with me, and don’t try and deny it, you weren’t as happy, because you went back to Emma, who you were happier with,’

That wasn’t true, Harry knew that, that wasn’t true. He opened his mouth to argue back, but Niall had already started to carry on.

‘So, I think…’ he hesitated, and Harry could read the pain in his eyes, through his fake happiness, ‘I think we should break up, and you should go back to Emma. I only want you to be happy’

‘But im happy with you, Niall’

Niall smiled, his fingers reached for Harry’s curls one last time, fiddling with them like he used to, ‘Don’t lie Harry’ his voice want laced with anger, or with sadness, but it was soft, all his emotions hidden deep within.

‘I’m going to stay with Louis until I can find my own place, and I guess Emma will move in here’ Niall sighed, and stood up, picking up a bag and putting a few spare clothes in, an extra pair of shoes and his wash bag.

He turned back to Harry, who hadn’t moved once from when he’d arrived. Niall sat back on the bed, lying himself down next to Harry, propping himself up on his elbow.

He leaned in and kissed Harry on the forehead, and pulled out a little, their faces right next to each other. Niall’s hot breath tickled Harry’s face, it sent shivers down his spine.

Harry’s head traced Niall jaw line, and fixed itself on the side of his face. His lips crashed into Niall’s, just a small kiss at first, but Harry began to deepen it. Their lips moved in sync, it was like they were supposed to be together, that’s what Harry always believed. His tongue ran across Niall’s bottom lip, and tried to force it’s way into his mouth, but Niall declined his entry and pulled out, tears shimmering in his eyes.

‘I can’t have you playing me along all the time’

Niall swung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the door, ‘See you round, Haz’

Deciding this hurt, it hurt even more than being cheated on.


‘So we’ve heard about you and Niall’s bumpy relationship Harry, how is it going now?’ the short, brunette interviewer asked, smiling at him, then to the audience.

They all cheered, and began chanting, ‘Narry! Narry! Narry!’ over and over.

‘We… Er… Basically…’ Harry said slowly, no idea what to say.

‘They’ve broken up’ Louis said flatly, secretly pulling Niall’s hand into his, who was sat on the sofa next to him.

The chants died down, and silence fell over the studio, all eyes on the tow boys, both start on either end of the sofa, which, to the audience, if you thought about it was probably quite a big giveaway.

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