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I wake up in a unfamiliar room with Windows that have bars on them. Not like a jail cell but,it looks as if for protection. The last thing I remember is the party and me being flown away screaming. Then the reality hits me. The people...or whatever took me away had wings and looked like Angels'. But I recall Liam saying,"this is Angel territory"!

I start to hyperventilate.


I have too find a way out of here. I don't even know where here is. I force myself to get up and look around.

I notice a piece of paper neatly folded on the little round table next to me. It reads...

Dear Eliza-

You must be curious as to where you are and what you are doing here. Well to answer your question you are in... Hell. Literally. There should be people there to answer your questions.By the time you discover this letter there will be some people entering your space right about...now.

Just as I finish reading the note I hear the door knob twist. The people that 'dragged' me here come walking in.

"That's not fair,Lilith. You win Every time." I'm guessing that was the female named Navaeh.

"What can I say. I am a hell of a hound"!

"Guys settle down. Let's get to our top priority here. Eliza".

I stand there stunned.

"Umm"? I was at a loss of words.

"Oh hun are you Okay"? ,the pup said.

"I think she is shocked". The male says. I haven't learned his name yet.

"No shit Sherlock".

"So,what do we do now"? The pup asks.

"I guess just wait". The male responds.

"I am perfectly capable of getting her to talk". Navaeh growls.

"N-No I can talk".

They all turn their heads toward me.

"So,you can talk. Hm"?


"Stop stuttering so much it's annoying". The male says.

"I guess it's time to introduce ourselves".

"Okay, my name is Haruko".

"My name is Navaeh".

"And my name is Lilith,it means,Of the night"!

"We already know your name,so no need to introduce yourself". Haruko said.

"Well we are here to answer your questions,so go ahead and ask them"! Lilith said.

"Well. Firstly, is what the note said true? About this being Hell"?

"Of course. Would you like to take a look"? Haruko asks.

I nod my head. Yes.

He goes over to the window and opens the curtains. He motions for me to look out the window.

I look through the bars.

I see pits of fire and dark skies working up a storm. It's not as I imagined though. No people screaming,writhing in agony. They are just walking around like normal,everyday people. Their skin looks morphed to be suited in this state.

"Get enough of looking"? Haruko asks.


"Good because it's time to go now".

"Where"? I ask confused.

"To see Lucifer of course".

I suck in a deep breath. Lucifer?! Isn't that the devils name?! This can not be happening.

"N-No I can't"!

"What did you think you were coming here for? To lounge around like this is a spa? Because this is the exact opposite of a spa,let me tell you"! Lilith states.


"No more buts! It's time to go! He is waiting"! Navaeh snaps.

With those last words they drag me off into Lord only knows where...

-HeLLo! I hope you guys enjoyed that.
It was a turn of events That's for sure! I can't wait to write more. I will be doing so soon don't worry.

~ See ya!

P.S.-Yay! Over 600 words!

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