The New Transfer

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Saiki POV

Once again I'm drawn to the pointless internal thoughts of my fellow classmates. Apparently we have a new transfer student. And from the thoughts of all the guys it must be a girl.

"I hope she's hot!"

"Do you think she'll be nice?"

"No way she'll be hotter than Teruhashi."

"I have nothing to worry about. I am the perfect pretty girl. No new girl is going to get in between me and my Saiki!"

Huh. That last one sounded like Teruhashi. But it looks like the teacher is finally going to start the lesson.

"Class as you may already know we have a new student here with us today. She's moved here all the way from America so please try to make her feel right at home."

Just then the door slid open an a s/c girl came through the door with h/l h/c hair. She came in wearing the school uniform but for some reason wore the boys button down shirt and jacket. She looked up at the class with her big e/c eyes. They were almost shimmering as she smiled towards the class.

"Hello. My name is Y/N L/N. I just recently moved here from America with my family. We own the largest dessert company in the country. I used to live in Japan when I was younger but my family moved to the states and now I'm back here. I hope to make good friends with all of you."

Ending with a grin towards the class.All around I could here the class go "Oh wow" much to Teruhashi annoyance. Even I had to admit she was beautiful. But for some strange reason I couldn't read her mind. Don't tell me someone as pretty as here is an idiot like Nendo.

"You can have a seat by Saiki Kusuo. Saiki raise your hand please."

I did as I was told and the girl came to the empty seat next to me. As she sat down she gave me toothy grin. I gave her a smile back. It was weird since I don't show emotions but for some reason I'm almost drawn to her positive energy.


This Saiki guy is cute. I couldn't help but smile at him. By the looks of the weird antennas on his head I had a feeling he was a psychic. Like those things really weren't fooling anyone.

Teacher: We're having a pop quiz today. Y/N you don't have to take it if you don't want too.

Y/N:No it's okay. I'll take it.

Teacher:Very well.

As I received my quiz and I look down at it I almost didn't feel the need to read anyone else's mind. I was the first to hand in my quiz and went back to my seat.

Teacher:Done already?

Y/N: I was an advanced student back home

The teacher quickly grades my quiz and looks impressed.

Teacher:A perfect score. Impressive.

Y/N:Thank you

I head back to my seat with all eyes on me. My curiosity was aroused and I wanted to know what everyone was thinking. I took of my germanium(I think that's how you spell it) earrings I use to block people's thoughts and I start hearing everyone.

"Wow brains and beauty. This girls got it going on."

"Oh wow. I think I might be in love"

"How dare she be smart and pretty. What if she's perfect like me?!?! What am I going to do????"

That thought sounded kinda deranged

"Huh so she's not a Nendo. So why the hell can't I read her thoughts?"

I recognized that voice. I shot a look towards Saiki a gave him a mischievous grin. Hmmm do I want to reveal I'm a psychic just yet? Nah let's wait it out. I put my earrings back on and face the front of the class.

Saiki POV

Oddly enough when I had that thought about Y/N she almost immediately looked at me and smiled as if she knew what I was thinking. This was getting weird. Come to think of it I can't see through her either. Not her skin or her clothes. It's like my powers to see through her and know what she's really like off the bat just wont work. All I can see is this beautiful smart girl with a smile so warm it could heat a furnace. I liked it but I didn't understand why. I felt almost compelled to get closer to her.



Third POV

Since you didn't make any friends yet you weren't entirely sure where to sit yet. Every boy in the class were almost fighting for you to sit with them. This made you sweatdrop and slowly back away until you find an empty seat in the back. Just as you pull your lunch out a large man with a butt chin, a shorter boy with light blue hair and red eyes, and Saiki came over to me.

Nendo: Hey you're the new girl right?

Y/N:(nods with a smile)

Nendo:Well my names Nendo

Y/N:Hi Nendo. I'm Y/N. You guys can call me by my first name. I've been out of the Japanese customs for so long being called by my last name would be weird.

Kaido:Okay then. Well my name is Kaido.

Y/N:(smile) Nice to meet you Kaido

Kaido:(blushes)(high voice)Yeah you too

Kaido's change in demeanor made you giggle. Your eyes then land on Saiki and he looks back at you as well. Both of you just staring at each other until Nendo breaks the silence.

Nendo:Hey you wanna get some ramen with us after school?

Y/N:Sure. I'd love to.

After saying that you send a smile towards Saiki and once again he reciprocates with a small one.

Well that's it for the first chapter. Let me know if you guys like it and I'll try to update every week.

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