Yet Another New Transfer Student -_-

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I think it's about time me and Saiki had another training session. I threw on some joggers and a loose tank. I put my hair in a ponytail then teleported to Saiki's house. Unlike Saiki, I teleported OUTSIDE of his room.

I knocked on the door and within seconds Saiki opened the door. I was not prepared for what was on the other side. Here Saiki stands in front of me, no glasses and more importantly no clothes on. Just a towel, dripping wet.

Now, it's not like I haven't seen Saiki half naked before, i.e. the beach trip. But this was obviously different. The only thing preventing me from seeing his...unmentionables was a little towel around his waist. And to be honest I never paid attention before but Saiki actually had some muscle on him.

I didn't realize I was staring until Saiki snapped me out of it.



Saiki:See something you like?(smirks)

YN:(blushes immensely)NO!

Saiki:There's no need to lie. You were staring pretty hard.

YN:Shut up! I wasn't.

Saiki:Whatever. Wait! Shit I forgot to put on my glasses(starts searching for them)

YN:You don't need them. I obviously haven't turned to stone yet.

Saiki:You're right. Another perk of controlling your powers I suppose?

YN:Yea. My ability to also turn people into stone counteracts yours. Anyways get dressed we have practice.

Saiki:Says who?

YN:Says me

Saiki:What if I had plans today?

YN:Do you?

Saiki:Yes. I had a day planned out of me playing video games and reading.

YN:Ooooo fascinating. But learning how to control your powers is more important so get dressed and hurry up.

Saiki:You sure you want me to get dressed? You've barely looked up at me since you've been here.

YN:Someone's conceited. I'll be down stairs.

~10 Minutes Later~


YN:Good. Take us to that same desert.

Saiki:Okay(teleports)So what are we doing today?

YN:We're gonna try working on your strength again. I have an idea.

Saiki:Okay. What do you want me to do?

YN:(hands him a rock) Throw this rock at that tree but while you're throwing it, think of something that makes you really happy

Saiki:Hm okay

Saiki paused for a moment. He closed his eyes and then tossed the rock. As the rock made contact with the tree, it made a soft thwack.

Saiki:(shocked)The tree is still standing!

YN:I knew it. Your super strength is connected to your emotions. When you actually focus enough before using this power and think about things that'll keep you cool, calm, and collected, you have more control of it. I figured it out from the last time we were out here and you were getting pretty annoyed with our game of catch.

Saiki: Wow why couldn't I figure that out?

YN:Because I'm smarter than you(smiles)

Saiki:And you think I'm conceited.

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