Crappy Summer Pt.3

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Third POV

After spending two days at Toritska's, going to Hairo's tennis camp felt like torture. You put on a tennis skirt, racerback tank, and a sun visor then head over to Saiki's.

YN:(knocks on door)

Saiki:(opens door)Why do you still walk to the front of the house? You could just teleport in here

YN:I know but I just don't want to be rude and let myself in

Saiki:My mom wants you to start calling her by her first name. I think she'll be okay with you coming in whenever you want

YN:Whatever. Let's get going

Saiki:Did you really have to dress up?

YN:What? I think I look cute

Saiki:You do but you're not even playing

YN:Doesn't mean I can't look the part(grins)

~Hairo's Tennis Camp~

Hairo:Okay team. These are my friend Nendo and Saiki. I wish I knew you we're coming YN. I would've signed you up for the girls camp.

YN:Nonsense. I just came to be a supportive friend and cheer you guys on to work your hardest

Saiki:Freakin liar

YN:(smiles and pinches Saiki)

Saiki:(winces in pain)

YN:So Nendo what are you doing here? I didn't know you were into tennis

Nendo:Oh I'm not but I had nothing better to do and what better way to spend my summer then spending the week with my buddy(hugs Saiki)

Saiki:Please stop

Coach:So(looks at Nendo)this is the guy that's supposed to change the face of tennis in Japan?

Hairo:Yes sir!

Coach:Doesn't look like it. Anyways everyone do 50 laps!

Saiki:This sucks already

Hairo:I don't think you're pushing us hard enough sir. I think 100 would be far more effective.

Saiki:Don't go higher!

Coach:I'll see your 100 and make it 105

Saiki:Kill me now

YN:(giggles)Poor Saiki

~During Practice~

Coach:C'mon I wanna see some hustle out there. Oi Nendo you're up!

Nendo:You got it coach

Coach:Heh, return this shot!(hard spike)

Nendo:(returns with ease)

Coach:Amazing! Alright hot shot but can you return these(spikes two balls at the same time)

Nendo:(returns both)

YN:Nendo's looking pretty good out there

Saiki:I'm actually surprised

Coach:This is unheard of. I got to see this kid give his all Hairo I want you to play a match this your friend

Hairo:Um okay sure. Nendo I challenge you!

Nendo:I'll only play a real match if I get to play with my buddy

Saiki:Don't drag me into this!

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