Another New Transfer?

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(In the kitchen)

Third POV

You told Saiki to have a seat in the dining room while you went to get the coffee jelly samples from the kitchen. You then come back with 3 flavors:Vanilla, Mocha, and Caramel(BTW I know coffee jelly doesn't really come in flavors. Lets just pretend XD). You set them in front of Saiki and hand him a spoon.

YN:Dig in

As Saiki devours each on of the coffee jellies, he has a look of great satisfaction. You start staring at him because once again his sudden expression of any emotion other than annoyed/stoic kind of freaked you out a bit. Once he's finished eating, his face returns to normal and he catches you looking at him.


YN:Your face was starting to freak me out

Saiki:Ouch. That kind of hurt.

YN:(sweat drops)Im sorry. It's just that you don't look like the type to really show emotion so seeing you smile for so long was kind of weird

Saiki:You don't know me well enough to make assumptions like that

YN:You're right. I'm sorry. As a token of my apology, you can take home three of each of the samples.


YN:(smiles) Really

You went to go grab the coffee jellies and when you came back Saiki was looking at you like:

You went to go grab the coffee jellies and when you came back Saiki was looking at you like:

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This caused you to bust out laughing which made Saiki's face again go back to normal.

Saiki:What's so funny?

YN:(still laughing)It just that(wipes away a tear) You really are adorable when you smile. It's a shame the world annoys the crap out of you too much for you to do it more often.

Saiki:(turns red)Well I think it's time for me to go home. We still have school tomorrow.

YN:I'll see you to the door

You and Saiki walk to the door together.

YN:I'll see you tomorrow


Saiki POV

As I walk home with my sweets, I reflect on my day. It went from same old same old to an actually half decent day. All because of one girl. YN. Why is she so different? And why can't I still not read her mind? And why am I kind of happy that I'm going to see her tomorrow? I don't get excited about anything other than sweets so what the hell is going on with me? This is probably just because she gave me so much coffee jelly. That has to be it right? Well I'm home now. Hey I got a letter.(Guess who's coming up now)

(Time Skip to school)


I didn't feel like getting driven to school today so I thought I'd walk. As I open the door there was Saiki almost scaring me to death.



YN:(holds chest, panting) Don't ever do that again. You almost gave me a heart attack.

My damn earrings can be so dangerous sometimes. I gotta try to be more alert when i have these things on.

Saiki:Well sorry. I thought since you're still new you'd want to walk together until you're more familiar with the school route.

YN:(smirks)Sure. Lets go.

The walk to school was pretty quiet but not awkward quiet. Eventually I broke it though.

YN:So did you do anything when you got home last night?

Saiki:(thinking:I can't tell her that a psychic just popped up in my house last night to reveal that he knows that I'm a psychic as well. Better just lie)No not really. Read a book. And you?

YN:Well I-

Nendou:HEY BUDDY!!!

Saiki:(annoyed face)

Nendou and Kaido caught up to us and we all ended up walking together.

Kaido:So what did you guys do when you left yesterday?

Nendou:You guys went to go makeout?



YN:W-why would you even think that?

Kaido:YOU IDIOT!!!

Nendou:Hey it was just a question

We finally made it to school. As we walked to class we a huge commotion in the next room. Saiki ended up walking into the next class room. Me being super nosey, followed him. When we walked in there was a huge crowd of students. I used my X-Ray vision to try to get a look in the middle. I saw that everyone was crowded around this purple haired kid I haven't met before. Maybe he's new too? Saiki made his way to the center while I stayed back. I think I heard that kid call him master. Next thing I knew Saiki was dragging the guy outta the room. Was Saiki gonna get in a fight? I should probably stop him. Aaaaand I lost them. Damn.

Saiki POV

As soon as I was done interigatting Toritsuka, we were headed back to class. I then see YN up ahead looking for someone. As she spots me she comes our way.

"Whoa! Who is this smoking hot babe coming towards us?"

Geez. Does this guy have any respect for women at all?

YN:Saiki are you okay?

Saiki:Yea. Just had to have a with my friend here.

Toritsuka:Hello there gorgeous. What's your name?


Toritsuka:(thinking:wow she even has the perfect smile. I can actually feel sunshine radiating off of this girl) Pretty name for a pretty girl.

YN:Thank you. I'll catch up with you in class Saik. It was nice meeting you.(leaves)

Toritsuka:(watches her leave,drooling) Wow perfect face, perfect attitude, and a wicked body. Saiki hook me up with her!

Saiki:Drop dead

Toritsuka:(shaking Saiki)Aw c'mon man! Did you see her? That girl is dripping in perfection!

Saiki:What about Teruhashi?

Toritsuka:Well yea she's hot too, but YN's body is way hotter!

Saiki:I'll never understand how a scumbag like you can have such pure eyes

Toritsuka:Hey words hurt

Saiki:Go to class and stop causing such a commotion(leaves)

(Time skip After School)

Third POV

You are walking with Saiki, Kaidou, and Nendou. You were really starting to like hanging out with these guys. As you guys separate into the correct paths to go home, it ends up being you and Saiki going home alone. Again, there was a comfortable silence between you two. Then all of a sudden you see a small child running into the street for his ball. Then a car was speeding down the street. There was no way that car was going to slow down in time for the kid to run out of the way. Just as you were about to use your powers you felt that Saiki beat you to it and used telekinesis on the car before he could get hit and almost flips the car over.

Saiki POV

As we were walking, a little kid was about to get hit by a car. WIthout even thinking I use my powers to move the car out of the way. A little to obviously I might add. It's bad enough I used my powers in public but what's even worse is that YN saw it up close and personal. How the hell do I get myself out of this mess?

Hope you guys liked it. And sorry for it being a few days late. I've really been cramming for finals

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