Ramen Shop

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I'm so happy you guys liked chapter one. So let's keep it going

~Time Skip:After School~


So Saiki, Kaidou, Nendo, and I make our way to the ramen shop. With Nendo and Kaido arguing in the front, I catch a few glances of Saiki. He seems like he's so over the presence of the two quarreling boys in front of us but his annoyed/stoic face just makes me giggle quietly. Saiki hears you and gives you a side glance but you quickly look forward before he could catch you looking at him. You finally make it to the ramen shop. Kaido and I sit next to each other while Nendo and Saiki sit across from us.

Kaido:So YN, where in America are you from?

YN:I'm from New York(if you're not from there im sorry)

Nendo:(mouth full of noodles)Why do you wear half of the boys uniform?

Kaido: You idiot! Don't talk with your mouth full! Its gross.

YN:(giggle)It's okay. To answer your question it's because I feel the button up does my body more justice don't you think?(wink)

Kaido:(blushes)(high voice)Yeah you look great!

YN:(laughs)Im kidding. I didn't like the way the girls sweater looked on me. Gave me a boxy figure. So I asked the principle if I could switch it up a bit and he said sure.


Saiki:(rolls eyes)

Nendo:Here's another question: If you're rich, why do you go to our school?

Saiki:That's actually a pretty good question.

YN:Simple. I like to hang out with real people. All rich people do is brag about how much they have or what they can buy. I'm not like that.

Kaido:Well we're happy you chose our little school for your education

YN:(smiles at Kaidou)Thanks. Me too

Third POV

You all continue to eat your ramen in peace when all of a sudden you see a girl with blue hair glowing coming towards you guys. Kaido and Nendo start to blush while Saiki manages to look even more annoyed than he did before.

Teruhashi:Hello boys

Kaido:Oh wow. Hi Teruhashi.

Teruhashi:I see you're all eating with the new girl. Hi. Im Kokomi Teruhashi.(sticks out her hand)

YN:(slips off one of her earrings then shakes her hand)YN LN


I slipped off one of my earrings to read Teruhashi thoughts. Something about here aura felt weird to me.

"This girl just started going to this school and she's already getting food with Saiki? What if she gets him to say 'Oh wow' before I do? No that'll never happen. I'M the perfect pretty girl NOT her."

Wooooow. This girl is kinda freakin nuts. And by the look on Saiki's face he heard all of her thoughts and wasn't too happy about them either. With me being the little minx that I am I thought it was time to have a little fun.

YN:You know I think it's about time for me to head home. Saiki would you mind walking with me?(gives a side eye to Teruhashi)

Saiki:(seeing this as an excuse to go home)Sure

YN:(smirks)Great. Thanks for the ramen guys. See ya at school tomorrow.

Nendo:Later buddy(continues eating his forth bowl of ramen)

Kaido:(looking a little deflated)Bye

Now to put the icing on the cake. Just before leaving, I make sure to link arms with Saiki. Surprisingly he didn't pull back. You looked back into the ramen shop to see a very flustered Teruhashi. Not that you had any strong feelings for Saiki other than the fact that you thought he was cute but you couldn't stand girls like Teruhashi who think that they're better than anyone else. Girls like her needed to be knocked down a few pegs and you loved that you were able to do it. Plus holdings arms with Saiki is definately a plus in my eyes.

Saiki:So what was that back there?

YN:I got a bitchy feel from her so I wanted an excuse to leave.

Saiki:Why'd you choose me?

YN:We live the same way.

Saiki:We do?


Saiki:One more question.

YN:This better be the last one

Saiki:Why are you holding my arm?

YN:Wanted to make her jealous

Saiki:Well why are you still holding it?

YN:Ya know you ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't even move their mouth

Saiki:(surprised)You noticed that huh?

YN:(smirks)You have no idea what I've noticed about you

Saiki:(curious)Like what?

YN:Let's just say that you and I have a lot more in common than you'd think. Well you've brought me home.

You and Saiki look at the house before you. Since your family knows you're not into superglamourous crap, they bought a nice fairly large home. Not a mansion but certainly not somewhere you'd expect the heirs to one of the largest candy factory's to be living. It had everything you needed and a little bit more.

YN:You wanna come inside?


YN:I have coffee jelly(read his mind previously to find out he has a thing for sweets)

Saiki:...Maybe just for a little while

Third POV

You guys walk into your home. He raises an eyebrow.

Saiki: You have a nice house

YN:Thank you

Saiki:Where are all the servants?

YN:Don't have any. I do have a maid that comes over on the weekends though. Even I have to admit this place is just a little to big for me to clean alone.

Saiki:Where are your parents?

YN:Well my parents are also business partners within the company so they frequently go off on business trips together

Saiki:Hmm. Where's the coffee jelly?

YN:(sweat drop)Straight to the point huh?

Saiki:Hey that's how you got me in here isn't it?

YN:True but it's more for you to be a test subject

Saiki:(raises an eyebrow)Excuse me?

YN:My family's been trying to make flavored coffee jellies. So you're gonna taste them and whichever ones you like the most you can take home

This made you kind of nervous since Saiki was not one for expressing emotions. Especially one of such happiness.

YN:Um Saiki you okay?

Saiki:(shakes out of his dazed state)Im sorry. That just really made my day.

YN:No its fine. I think it's really cute when you smile.


YN:(smiles)Well follow me into the kitchen and lets do this

That's it for chapter 2. Tell me what you think guys.

Side note:Anyone heard of the animes Kiss Him Not Me or Highschool DXD?

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