Okinawa Pt. 3

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I woke up still in Kusuo's embrace on the beach chair. I look over the beautiful blue ocean to get a glimpse of the sun still rising. Thank god it's still early. Now me and Kusuo can sneak back before any can notice we never came back to the hotel.

I turn over to look at Kusuo's face. He looks like such an angel when he's asleep. So peaceful and mellow. The world must really stress him out for this to be the only times he's ever looking blissful. I almost don't want to wake him up but I know if we're not in our rooms by the time they do morning roll call, Matsuzaki and the other teachers are going to send out a freakin search party for us.

I shake Kusuo lightly but he wouldn't budge. So then I started poking and lightly pulling his cheeks. Still nothing. I didn't want it to have to come to this but he's left me no choice. I shift him so that he's on his back and begin to straddle him. I being to lean in and kiss him softly. I hear Kusuo lightly groan. Then I tangle my fingers into his beautiful strawberry locks as I press myself more onto him. I then feel his hands finding their way to my hips as he begins to start kissing back.

YN:(pulls back) Morning sleepy head

Saiki:I wasn't finished

YN:Awww I know Ku but we gotta be back in our rooms before bed check

Kusuo then holds me down on top of him as he nuzzles into my bosom. He looks up at me, his gorgeous pink orbs staring up me over his green lenses. God whenever I look into his eyes it's like I'm under a damn spell.

Saiki:Please? Just five more minutes

YN:How can I say no to that face.

Third POV


Five minutes somehow turned into two hours and you both barely teleported back into your hotel rooms before bed checks. You sat with Kaido, Nendo, and Kusuo after you finished getting ready for today's set of trip activities.

Kaido:I never saw you come back for lights out Saiki

Saiki:I was just handling something

Kaido:Oh okay. How about you YN? Mera said she didn't see you either

YN:(finishes eating)Oh I was exploring the hotel.

Kaido:Oh. Well are guys excited about the activities for today? I can't wait for the pineapple farm and aquarium.

Nendo:Who wants to just stare at a bunch of stupid fish? I wanna go to the beach to catch some babes in bikinis

Kaido:(turns red)How could you be so rude towards women especially when there's one sitting literally right in front of you!?!?!

Nendo:What? I've already told YN how hot she looks in a bathing suit

Saiki:(tick mark)

YN:Chill Kusuo(sweat drops)Uh thanks Nendo

Kaido:I'm sorry for my friends stupidity YN. He was dropped on his head multiple times as a baby


Matsuzaki:Everyone on the bus!

(Skipping the pineapple farm and aquarium)

The Beach

Hairo:We're finally here

Kaido:Where did all of the girls go

Hairo:Change room

Kaido:Why is there such a large crowd over there?

BoyA:I can't wait for this

BoyB:To get a glimpse of this was the only reason I came on this trip

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