Crappy Summer Pt. 1

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Third POV

It's been a few days since yours and Saiki's date. Although nothing has been made official between the two of you, you both seem content with finally being able to express some of your inner feelings with each other. You both were sitting next to each other while the teacher was teaching.

Saiki was looking bored as usual. You on the other hand weren't paying attention to the lesson at all. You were too busy drawing Saiki in your notebook. Besides the fact that you were an amazing psychic, you were also an amazing artist. You could draw just about anything.

You were stealing side glances of Saiki, making sure he didn't catch you looking at him but also making sure you got every detail of his face just right. You were almost done when you decided to look at him one more time but this time he caught you. He raised his eyebrow at you and you snapped your head forward blushing, pretending to pay attention. Saiki looked down at your notebook and say a little bit of your drawing. This caused him to smile slightly and face forward as well listening to the teacher drone on.


You and Saiki walk out of the classroom together. Although Saiki acted as nonchalant as ever, you couldn't help yourself. You walked even closer to Saiki, all while having this big goofy grin on your face. This caused a few people to watch the both of you walk down the hall. Although Saiki loved seeing you so happy, the extra attention was starting to make him uncomfortable.

You guys turned a corner and Saiki made you guys invisible. You sensed that he did this.

YN:Why are we invisible?

Saiki:Too many people were staring at us

YN:(looks down)Oh I'm sorry

Saiki:There's nothing for you to be sorry about. I was just starting to feel uncomfortable.

YN:Yea but people were only staring because I was smiling like a dofus

Saiki:(holds your hands)I like seeing you smile. It's one of your many great features

YN:(looks down blushing)

Saiki:(slightly smiles)Looks like I'm winning this ridiculous game of yours.

YN:(releases his hands)Whatever(smiles)

Toritska:(pats you both on the back)Hey Saiki. Hello beautiful

Saiki:(annoyed mark)

YN:(sweatdrop)Hello Toritska. You do know we were invisible right?

Toritska:Oops. Sorry. I can't tell the difference between invisible people and ghost. But Saiki I need your help

Saiki:Hell no

Toritska:You don't even know what I'm going to ask for yet

Saiki:Already read your mind. And even if I didn't, I would've already known it would be perverted in some way, shape, or form.

YN:He's got a point

Toritska:Whatever. I just need you to help me with some Occult Club stuff this summer. I wanted to find a way to get closer to Arisu and I think a summer camp would be the perfect way to get some alone time with her. Unless YN wants to finally give me a chance(side eyes you)

YN:Sorry, not into perverts

Toritska:(grows mushrooms in a corner)You didn't have to be so mean about it.

Matsuzaki:No growing mushrooms on school grounds!

Toritska:(back to normal)So will you help me?

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