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The car stopped. Chenle took out the key and started to unbuckle. A feeling of anxiety started to wash over me. What would people think of me walking in with him? No one would immediately think relationship because obviously he was straight and I am male but they could find me disgusting and an attention seeker because I was being seen with him. What would people think if they saw a loser who they didn't know existed with the most sweet and smartest boy in the school? It wouldn't be good.

"Uh, can I go in the back way?" I asked quietly.

"Why?" His eyebrows scrunched and he looked adorable. I just want to scream.

I sat there smiling at him before straightening up. "I think it will be better if we don't go in together. Nobody really knows I exist and ya know you're ..."I stopped talking when I saw his face soften.
"Unbuckle." He says seriously but still looking adorable. I did as he asked.
"Get out of the car." my shaking hands opened up the door and I crawled out. He sounds so demanding.
"Come here." He waves his hands towards himself motioning me to come over. I gulped and then came closer to him.
He pulls me forward and puts his hand close to my ear before whispering. "You're fine, I'll keep you safe."
I think I just died.

My eyes widen and I start to panic. That was so hot. Wow. Who allowed you?

I tilt my head and smile pushing him away.
"What was that for?" I laugh.
"Just wanted to tease you, come on let's go inside i'm sure no one will think anything. You're my friend now. No one will say anything." He took my backpack out of the car and gave it to me before locking the door.
We walked in the school building side by side. We walked down the hall with people looking from everywhere. I immediately felt small. Chenle noticed and started up a conversation. We got to the cafeteria and Chenle started to look around. He noticed his friends and asked me to come over with them. I shook my head and waved goodbye.
He shrugged and I smiled before walking to Renjun and Wendy who were eating breakfast.
When I got to their table I saw Renjun with his fork dead still. His jaw dropped and he was looking at me with big eyes. I began to slowly back up and start to run away. He glares at me and then chases after me. I run into the bathroom and hide.

I peek under the stall and it's clear. I sigh and open the door only to hear heavy footsteps running into the bathroom. A furious Renjun runs towards me at full speed. I yell and try to shut the stall. Of course I fail and Renjun traps me in the stall and locks it.

I look down and try not to smile.

"Details." He lifts my head up and smirks at me.
I pout like a puppy and he glares once more.
"Fine....." I sit up before telling him the whole story.



"Oh my god Jisung, who knew the guy you've liked for 4 years is now your friend? This is crazy. I refuse to believe it." He shoves open the door and starts to pace the room.
"Do you think he likes you?" He stares at me intensely.
"No why would he." I stand up and walk to the sink. I look at myself in the mirror. Why would he like this worthless piece of trash?
I put my hand up to his forehead. "I was pretty sure you were sick man, you usually say bullshit when you're sick." I flicked him.
He rubs the now red spot on his forehead and glares again. "I was just asking keep your filthy hands off of me." I started laughing and rubbing my hands all over him. He started putting his hands all over me also. There was spilt water on the floor and as we were playing around and my foot suddenly fell from under me. To my luck I fell on top of him. He started to shove me off as I was still in shock.
I start to get up when I feel my foot slip again and this time my face falls right into his chest. His ROCK hard chest. Tears brim in my eyes as I feel a liquid stream from my nose. I get up carefully this time and luckily don't fall. Renjun quickly grabs a paper towel and gives it to me. I hold it up to my nose.
"Fuck man, that hurt." He holds his chest. "Who knew someone's nose could be so hard."
"Say that to your rock hard chest. It's like a sheet of steel how do you think I feel right now?"
"I don't know but my chest really hurts right now man."
"You know you really need to stop saying man in every sentence. My heads gonna explode one day." I l lift my head up but then I start choking so I put it back down. Why does no one every teach you which way to put your head when your nose bleeds?


I put my head down on the desk. Math is so boring. When will we ever need this in real life? It's been 3 years and I've never used the pythagorean theorem once in my outside life.
The teacher slams his book on the desk and I jump in shock, lifting my head up.
"Mr. Park it'd be nice if you payed attention for once. You don't want to end up taking the class again would you?"
"No sir." I smile.
The second he turns back around I roll my eyes and lay my head back down and sleep.

I wake up to the bell ringing. Kids start to run out of the classroom and I follow hoping to find Chenle somewhere in the crowded halls. I look for the next three minutes but don't seem to find him anywhere. I sigh and start to walk towards my next class.

I see Wendy sitting all by herself in the corner. Renjun isn't here yet so I pull out the chair and sit next to her.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Are you and Renjun a thing? I know you're a gay are you trying to take him from me?" She glares at me.
What? I've never told her my sexuality? Where did she even get this from?
"I don't know what you're talking about?" I say calmly.
She stands up and pushes me out of my seat. My eyes widen and I start to stand up.
"Why are you doing this? We are in class right now you don't want to get in trouble, do you?" I say, still calm.
"I could care less right now. You knew Renjun and I were together for years and you still put yourself on him, you slut." Tears brim in my eyes once again.
"What did you just call me?" I grit my teeth.
"A slut because that's what you are, first Chenle and now my boyfriend."
"How do you know about Chenle?"
"I have my ways now apologize and get out of our lives for good before I bash your head into this desk right here right now."
"What did I do? Please tell me I really don't know." I started to beg.
"Don't act like you don't know. I saw you in the bathroom. You guys were taking so long so I decided to check up on you only to see you on top of him your face in his chest. Now what else could that mean. Tell me right now. I'm not dumb."
"Oh, that. The floor was slippery and I fell on him I swear that's it."
"Now who would believe that cliche drama shit." She scoffs and glares again.
"I just told you the reason you're choosing not to believe me. I would never steal you're boyfriend. He's my best friend."
I see the anger in her eyes and I step back.
Its like I'm the zebra and she's the lion.
I step back even more. Scared for my life I take a run for it. Pushing through the crowd of people watching I run into the hallway, only to hear footsteps behind me.
As I'm running I hear someone call my name. I look over to see Chenle waving towards me. I quickly run over and he grabs my hand. We run all the way to the third floor and hide ourselves in the janitors closet.
My breathing is heavy as I fall to the floor. Chenle sits down and puts his hand on my chest.
"You're hearts really racing, what was she talking about?" He asks.
"That's where I'm confused." I laugh and lean my head back.
We sit there for about five minutes before Chenle speaks.
"Hey, Jisung."
I nod lifting up my head.
"Can I try something."
"Sure what is it?" I ask confused at what he wants to try. I can't think of anything he'd want to try. There's nothing really to do in a janitors closet.
"Promise you won't get mad?" He sticks out his pinky. I wrap my around and we stamp it.
"Promise." I smile.
"Here we go." He says as he grabs my waist. My eyes widen and my heart starts racing.
"What...What're you doing?" I ask in a low, anxious voice.
"This." He pulls me closer to his body and then grabs my face. I look him in the eyes and gulp. They're shining so brightly. I smile as he brings his lips to mine gently. My eyes close out of reflex but my body stiffens and I start shaking. He deepens the kiss as I start to relax and go with it pinning my body onto his.


ok so i had written over 4000 words just to realize it was the wrong story. i cried tbh it was so much work. aNYWAY school just ended and i'm being promoted to highschool on monday. i'm really really excited so most of the day i was bopping to my may playlist. it's been a good day so i decided to post this for you all.
hope you enjoy a lame chapter that took me an hour to think of.

next chapter will HOPEFULLY have more thought and i will take my time.
ALSO don't worry i know they are underage i would never write anything over a kiss.

btw i drew that picture :)

the two of us  (NCT CHENSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now