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"Why do I have to watch them dance? Can't Donghyuck just watch the three, he's old enough now?" I whine to my mother as I shove my face onto my pillow. She is making me watch my brothers and Jeno dance. Apparently they have a big competition coming up and no one else is available to watch them.

"Jisung. I said you're watching them now get to school. I don't want another call from your teacher." She stops and thinks for a second. "Oh and Chenle will be there. He's your driver. I asked him myself."
I jump up in excitement.

"Oh then I'll definitely do it. See ya later, love you, bye!" I yell and grab my backpack. She shakes her head and walks out of my room. If only she told me that earlier I wouldn't have fought so long about it.


"Nana come on. Jeno and Chenle are here to get us!" I yell at Jaemin from the door. This is now a  routine. I used to have fun saying Jeno's name after to make him run but now I just say it first. He will run anyway.

"I'm here let's go. Jeno says he has a surprise for me today. He has to tell me something important." The child grabs the door and opens it for me.

"Why thank you kind sir." I bow. He bows back. "Any day." We both laugh as we walk towards our ride.

We get to the car and Jaemin jumps in the back seat next to Jeno. I kiss my boyfriend quickly. He smiles widely and starts the car again. I put on my sunglasses before buckling myself and looking back at the two children.

Jeno is nervous. It's obvious. His hands are shaky and I can see he's in an uncomfortable state. Jaemin is looking out the window excitedly so I very quietly tap Jeno's hands. He looks up at me and I mouth, "It'll be fine... Just do it." I put my thumbs up and he nods aggressively before smiling brightly and grabbing Jaemins hands to show him something on his phone.

Chenle looks at me and then at the kids in the back. "There is definitely something going on with those two." He whispers. "Isn't it obvious." I whisper back trying not to laugh.


"I'm scared Jaemin will say no. I honestly don't know his sexuality. He's young and hasn't brought it up or shown any interest in anyone. I'm really anxious that Jeno will be hurt. Is it a really big crush or is he just- I don't know." I ask as I sit with Chenle at lunch. When I kissed him that day not much really happened. People would stare sometimes but other than that we're okay. That was months ago so everyone has probably forgot.

"He really seems to like the kid. I tried to give him my advice but I messed it up and now he wants to confess. I told him it's probably not the best idea but he insists. I cant stop him." Chenle says before taking a big drink of his milk.

"I don't think this will end well." I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach.

"Me neither. Tonight at the practice we will just have to see how it goes. Hopefully Jaemin doesn't say anything too harsh."

"Nana isn't like that. He will be nice about it, I'm sure of that. Oh and about that practice. I fought with my mom for an hour this morning because I didn't want to go. Turns out you were going and I fought for nothing." I point towards his food and he gives it to me to throw away.

"Oh my mom did the same thing but it was only for a minute because my mom gave up and told me you were there." I sit back down.

the two of us  (NCT CHENSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now