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"Your turn."
He threw the die and it landed on 6 and 9. (10 sided dice)
We held in our laughs as our minds went dirty.
"Just keep playi-NSJSJKDNDJF" I couldn't hold it in as I screamed. Chenle's eyes widened as he came over to me and held his hand over my mouth.
"Be quiet Jisung, you have to be quiet." I nodded and he moved his character 15 times.
We heard a knock on my door and a soft voice.
"Sungie, what's going on, are you okay? I heard a scream." It was Jaemin.
"I'm okay Nana, I just got a little scared" I put a finger up to my mouth and Chenle nodded. "I'm fine, you can go back to bed." We heard soft footsteps and a door close. Chenle started breathing heavily. He was holding his breath. "You okay Chenle?" He nodded and then continued to play the game.


After 20 rounds we started to see a pink, orange and blue tint to the sky. The sun was coming up. We didn't realize we had stayed up all night.
"So are we gonna sleep here or do I go home and sleep?" He asked.
"You can sleep here, my mom will understand." He nodded and we climbed into my bed. I was squished towards the wall as I didn't want to disturb Chenle trying to sleep.
"Are you sure about this? Didn't your mom know you used to like me? What if she thinks something is going on?" He spoke up suddenly.
"I think she will understand that you just wanted to come over and decided to sleep. She wont think anything else I promise, since there's nothing going on right?"
"Uh yeah. Goodnight Jisung."
"Night." I turned to my side and closed my eyes.

10 minutes later I'm still awake. I can't stop thinking about the pretty boy next to me. Every single memory of him ran around in my mind. The thought of his kisses made my lips tingly. I just wanted to kiss him. I turned my head and looked at him. He was facing me and fast asleep. His hair perfectly laying on his face. His skin looks so soft and I just wanted to touch it. My face started getting hot as I got closer to the sleeping boy. My mind was going on its own. I had no control. I told myself to stop but it was too late. I was kissing him. But the weird thing is, I felt someone kissing back.
I immediately pull away and sit up, my heart racing.
I put my hand over my lips and sighed. Why am I so damn stupid?
"Uh Jisung" I cut him off.
"I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to, I couldn't stop thinking about earlier and my brain kinda did it without my permission I'm so sorry for waking you. You can leave if you want-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. Just a short kiss.
"Why are you sorry, I'm not mad." He smiles before laying down and going back to sleep.

I stay frozen in my place before laying back down again and sleeping myself.

What in hell just happened?


I wake up to a pair of small arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around smiling but it quickly fades when I see my family standing in the door way. I panic and try to get Chenle off me. He doesn't budge and keeps a tight hold on me. I smile bitterly.
"It's not what it looks like." I say.
All of a sudden the same pair of arms turns me on my back and pins me on the bed. He's gets on top and kisses me gently. "Good morning." He whispers.
"Uh yeah good morning now turns your ass around." I want to throw myself off a cliff.
He turns around and gasps before getting off me immediately. "Um...I was just...I'll go now. Goodbye Mr and Mrs Park, Jaemin, Donghyuck." He bows and runs out my door.
As soon as he leaves I run out of my bed and shove my family out my door and slam it shut before locking it.
"I'M NOT TALKING!". I yell at them.
"DONGHYUCK! LANGUAGE." My mom yells at my brother.
I run to my bed and find my phone.
I decide to text Chenle.

To: Chenle 💗
i'm sorry

From: Chenle 💗
its okay. i shouldn't have done that. i'm on my way home rn

To: Chenle 💗
good, tell your mom we were just studying

From: Chenle 💗
okay, have a good day

To: Chenle 💗
you too

I put my phone on my shelf and slam my head into the bed.


"Jisung, you're gonna need to come out sometime. You cant be alone with no food forever. You're gonna have to talk to us at least once about it." My mom hasn't left my door.
"That's not helping. I don't want to talk about it." I sink into my bed and feel my stomach growl.
"Fine, get in here and we'll talk. I'm hungry." I get up and unlock the door.
"Good." She walks in and sits on my bed.
"Now tell me what the actual fuck was that." Her eyes serious as ever.
"MOM!" she tells my brother he can't curse but here she is.
"Fine, now just tell me what's going on."
I take a deep breath.
"Ok so that day when Chenle was in my room after his dads death we became friends. And we stayed friends for about a day nothing going on, until we got stuck in a janitors closet, don't ask, and then he kissed me and I was shocked. He actually did it again saying he was curious about something. We got out and later we saw each other at the park and talked for awhile. He came home with me and we played board games all night. I really don't know what's happening with him, especially this morning." I said at a fast speed.
"So that's it? I was hoping for something better." She frowned.
"Yes that's it. Now I'm going to eat. I'm starving." I don't give her a chance to speak as I run for the kitchen.
I'm about to reach the fridge as a voice stops me.
"Well well well, what do we have here. A lying bitch who can't even tell his own brother he's fucking his long time crush." Donghyuck smirks and sits down on the couch.
"First of all, watch your language. Second of all, I'm not fucking him, were too young, and third of all, why would I tell you stuff like that. You cant even keep a secret."
"Who the fuck says I can't keep a secret."
"Donghyuck!!" Our mom yells from the laundry room.
"Sorry!" He yells before coming up to me.
"Let me think. Oh, there's so many times I can't even think of one."
"Ha, that just means I'm right. I can keep a secret."
"Fuck you." I say as I grab a banana and walk to my room.
"DONGHYUCK!" I hear my moms voice.
I flip him off and slam my door shut.


Chenle 💗 wants to facetime...
accept or decline ?

I accept it and face the camera up at the ceiling. I don't like showing my face.

"Hey." I hear a voice on the other end.
"Do you wanna hang out this weekend, maybe to the mall or a movie?" Chenles angelic voice enlightens my ears.
Is he asking me out?
"So, like, a date?" I blurt out.
"Yeah, something like that. Where do you wanna go?" His face pops up on the screen and scares me.
"FUC- sorry you scared me. Uh movies will be fine and then mall afterwards?"
"Sounds good. I'll pick you up at 11:30 a.m. Saturday. You can spend the night and then get home Sunday night." He runs a hand through his hair.
"I'll tell my mom. By the way you look beautiful bye." I quickly end the face time and throw my phone on my bed.


This was short but y'all needed it

the two of us  (NCT CHENSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now