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I was 11. Shy, quiet, awkward, but the most important thing is that I was madly in love with a boy that could never be mine...
Now 5 years later that boy is mine. How exactly is "the boy that could never be mine" now mine. Let me tell you it was hard work but I got that boy and here's how.


(First day of middle school)

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the neighbors dog barking loudly. A bright light shone in my face. I looked out the window and saw the sun shining right above the horizon.
My house is a small, long, brick house. We have three bedrooms and it gets a little crowded for me, my mother, my grandmother, my stepdad, and my two brothers along with three cats and a fish but we seem to make it work.
Waking up at 7:00 a.m. is not my favorite thing to do but if I get to go to school and see my friends for the first time in months then I'm happy.

Slipping on my pants and shirt, I rush into the bathroom and brush my teeth with one hand and brush my hair with another. I hear a noise coming from my bedroom so I quickly open up my mother's makeup cabinet and steal a bit of her foundation to cover up a small pimple that was forming on the corner of my nose. Just as I finished that the door of the bathroom swings open and I see my brother Donghyuck angrily stomp in. His hair was hung over his face and he looked half dead.
"What's wrong with you? Did you fall off the bed and catch your toe or something or is my perfect face making you jealous enough to where your angry at me?" I look at him with a confused face while blinking my eyelashes cutely.

"Move." He says as he pushes me away from the counter and grabs the hairbrush.

I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I see my grandma making French toast on the stove and the bacon sizzling next to it makes me gulp.
"Can I have some?" I ask.
"Sure take one and get your bag ready we have to take pictures."
I grab a really crispy piece and walk into the living room where I see my backpack on the couch. It has my books and my binders. Everything I need. Middle school is going to be very different. I now don't have one teacher. I have seven! It's going to be difficult but I bet I'll get used to it.
"Jisungieee!!" I hear a squeaky voice come from my room. I stuff my books into my bag and look for my pencil case ignoring the voice.

Soon I see a small boy grab my leg and hang from it with his eyes wide open.
"Nana please get off my leg I'm not a child anymore we don't play games anymore I have seven teachers and YOU only have one which means I'm not a child anymore." Jaemin stares at me and then bites my leg before walking away.

I rub my leg and then glare at the boys back when I see my mother come out of her room in a robe along with Donghyuck and Jaemin ears in her hand as they are being pulled to the front door where we take pictures.
"Jisungie come here we need pictures!!" She screeches and takes out her iphone4. I roll my eyes and get ready for the only picture that people will see of me today. Of course I have to look good.

After pictures and lots of kisses we are sent out the door and onto the bus. The bus ride takes about 4 minutes where I then am dropped off at school.


Backpack in hand I take a deep breath and look back to see my bus driving away as I start walking towards the school. As I'm walking I see a boy getting out of his car. He's wearing a pink polo and beige pants with white shoes. His blonde hair is brushed neatly and he has a smile on his face. I stare at this boy as he walks in the door. A blush is evident on my face as I follow him. He seems to be older than me. I'm guessing 8th grade.

When I get in the door I see the boy walk over to a bunch of other guys and sit down. I stare for awhile and then remember I'm in a public place and I have to find my friends. I shake my head and look around until I spot my best friend Renjun sitting on the floor with a book in his hand. He waves to me and I sit next to him. He's wearing a Pokémon shirt and blue shorts with mismatch socks and Nike's. I snort and pull out my backpack to show him my schedule.
"Ohh we have 1st period together!" I smile and he laughs. "At least we're not alone the whole day." We both say at the same time and laugh together.


Renjun and I catch up for the rest of time before school starts. We were talking about the newest Pokémon character when we heard the bell ring. (I really have no interest in Pokémon but I try to understand and seem interested to keep Renjun happy). We look around the school and follow the people in our grade to the 6th grade hallway. We find our classroom which is a science room and sit in a seat. The teacher walks in with a smile and gives us a seating chart. I'm sitting by a boy named Taeil and Renjun is sitting by a girl named Wendy. I smile at the boy next to me as I put my pencil on my desk ready to start my life as a middle schooler.


The rest of the day went by quickly and it's time to go back home. As I'm waiting for my bus I see a familiar pink shirt and blonde hair. It's the guy from this morning. He was walking with a girl and they were holding hands. I sighed and stared at him. His features were so familiar I just don't know where from. I think longer about this boy whom I had just seen twice when I hear a loudspeaker call my bus number. I run to the bus and sit in a seat. I look out the window for the pink shirt guy and see him against a pole on his phone. I stare longer and then see him get into a car. The car pulls away and I slump into my seat. Why is this boy so good looking? I think to myself.

My bus pulls away and heads for my neighborhood. I'm still thinking about the pink shirt boy. He caught my eye the second I saw him and I still can't get him away from my mind. There's something about him. Maybe it's his smile? Maybe his hair? Maybe I just like the color pink on him? I'm not sure but all I know is this is just the start of a long lasting love.


1288 words! First chapter done.... all of this is actually true,
hope you enjoy my sucky life put into a chensung ff

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