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"Ok so Doyoung, Kun, Yukhei, Yuta, Sicheng, and Jaehyun are coming over. Is there anyone else?" Chenle sat on his bed, phone in hand, making a list of people for their party.

"Wasn't this supposed to be our day? Why are we having a party, Don't those people not even know I exist?" I pout.

"I've been needing a way to come out to them. I have a good plan. We can say you had to be over because of family issues and then we end up kissing in a game. We can make the game heated so they will understand. Just something along those lines. Are you okay with telling some people?"

"I'm already out and proud so it doesn't matter to me." He chuckles and hugs me.

"Ugh, you're so cute." He kisses my cheek.

"I know. By the way...." I get an idea and smirk.

"Oh no."

"How about we practice?" He looks at me confused before getting the idea and coming closer.

"This?" He grabs my face. I nod before closing the gap between us.


"They will be over in 10 minutes is everything ready?" Chenle had to make sure everything was perfect for his special 'coming out' day.

"Mother and siblings are gone, room is clean, and we have snacks and movies. I think all we need is a game idea." I sit on the couch.

"What games make people kiss?" He sits next to me.

"Truth or dare?" I question.

"That will work I guess, I just dare you to kiss me and then we just do it. No hesitation. You cant be nervous." I laugh.

"I won't be nervous, silly."


"Snacks are over there and you can just put your stuff in my room, Jisung will show you." He points at me and I take the two foreign boys up to his room.

"So what are you doing here, we've never seen you before?" The tall blonde one runs a hand through his hair and sets his bag on Chenle's desk.

"Just some family issues, I had to spend the night last night but I'm leaving tonight. I'm Park Jisung by the way, 10th grade." I shake their hands because I'm polite.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kun and this is Sicheng." The short, brown haired one greeted me.

"You too." I smile and take them back downstairs.

I get downstairs to see Sicheng didn't follow me. I walk back up and into my boyfriends room.

"What are you doing?" I see him holding a picture frame and staring at it suspiciously.

"Nothing." He sets the frame down and smiles before looking me up and down.

"Uh ok. Some guys just got here I think. We should go down." I point towards the door.

He nods and walks downstairs.
I pick up the picture frame and stare at it. It's the picture of us playing basketball. I gulp and go downstairs myself.

"There he is." Chenle waves me over and I stand next to him.

"This is my friend Jisung, he has to stay for the day because of family issues. He's a sophomore. Jisung this is Yukhei, Jaehyun, and Yuta. Doyoung will be here later." The tall guy stares me down. Yukhei was his name.

"Park Jisung." I greet them and stare at this Yukhei guy. He doesn't seem to want to look away. I look at Chenle awkwardly.

"Uh, were gonna play some games in a couple minutes so you guys can put your stuff in my room, I'll bring you up there." He takes them away. Yukhei's eyes don't leave me until he is out of sight.

the two of us  (NCT CHENSUNG)Where stories live. Discover now