Chapter 2

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When I woke up my vision was a little blurry

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When I woke up my vision was a little blurry.

I tried to sit up but a firm hand pushed me back down, "You have to rest," he said placing a hand on my cheek.

Immediately I remembered the events from last night and I flinched away from his touch.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You, querida niña, are at my estate," he said.

"How long have I been out?"

"About three days."

What? Three whole days?

"Why am I here?" I demanded.

"If you have forgotten, and I highly doubt that you have, you exchanged your life for that man who owed me money," he explained simply.

"That is not what I meant, I wanted to know why I am in a really pretty room instead of a cell?"

"I would never mistreat a woman who gave her freedom so that a person could go back home to his family."

"I was a nurse, I like to help people, not heartless mafia men like yourself," I growled.

"Watch what you say querida niña, you do not want me to punish you," he said, "Or do you?"

"Don't you dare think about touching me," I backed away until I was pressed up against the headboard.

"Don't worry niña, I won't do it until I have your full consent."

"I don't believe you Andrés."

"Believe me," he said in an icy tone, leaning away from me, "I have never forced a woman to be with me, and I will not start with you."

I could see that he was being genuine, but I still had doubts, after all he was the head of the Cuban Mafia.

He stood up and straightened his suit. "One of my other maids will come by and show you around the estate-"

"Am I going to be one of your maids?"

"No, you are going to be the new nurse, my old nurse left along with my personal maid, so you will be replacing both of them," he said nonchalantly.

"I am going to be your maid!" I whisper-yelled. 

He headed towards the door and at the last moment he turned around.

"Yes, you will be my maid," he stalked back towards me, " because I need someone who can be discreet, and look beautiful at the same time."

We were only inches apart because my body started to move towards him. We were so close that I could smell the expensive cologne he was wearing. 

"Why me?" I asked looking into his honey coloured eyes, "You could have any other girl at your feet, but you chose me."

"Do you really want to question my decision? Niña, I own you, you gave up your freedom, you really shouldn't question my decision." He turned around and he shut the door without glancing back at me. 

I simply don't see why I have to be his maid, because I am sure he has a whole army of maids on this estate. 

I looked around the room but it was no use. The windows didn't open, but there were metal bars that I could easily fit through.

Now for something to break it with . . .

I looked at all the furniture in the room, and my eyes landed on a metal rod that was used to hold up the curtains.

I dragged a chair over and I took the rod off of the wall, letting the curtain fall to the floor. I tapped on the glass with my hand, getting a feel for the thickness of it. 

Thankfully the glass was thin. I wrapped a bunch of bedsheets in a rope and after a couple of swings the glass was broken, and I threw my makeshift rope out the window. I dragged a chair to the door and I put it under the doorknob.

I climbed out the window and grabbed onto the rope. I climbed down as quickly and as quietly as I could without alerting his guards.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know how long I was running for, but his estate was very large.

I made it to a wall and I proceeded to climb it when I heard a voice calling out behind me.

"Hey! You there, Stop!"

I yelped and I climbed even faster. After I made it out, I ran until I saw a taxicab parked a couple blocks down.

Quickly I got in and I said, "Albion Hotel South beach please."

"Yes miss," was all he said.

As soon as he started driving, I saw Andrés. He was panting and a black car came to pick him up then they started to follow us.

"There are people following us Sir," I told the driver.

"Do you know the person inside the vehicle?"


He sped up and we were at the hotel before I knew it.

I threw a couple of twenties that were in my pockets and I ran out of the car and into the hotel.

I heard Andrés's car stop and a door slam. He said something to his men and they stayed behind guarding the exit. I ran even faster to the front desk and I took the keys for the room that my uncle was staying in.

I ran to the elevator and I pressed the button for the top floor. As soon as the doors closed I felt someone's hand over my mouth.

"Did you really think you could get away that easily mi Niña?" He we whispered in my ear, and I sagged against him in defeat.

Looks like he just won.

I shook my head and I tapped the hand he put over my mouth to see if he would let me go.

"Don't make a single sound, do you understand?"

I nodded.

He made a sound of approval and slowly he let his hand fall from my mouth.

I turned to face him and said, "You win, so now I hope that you are content with the fate you have given me."

He tilted my face up to meet his eyes, "Niña, why did you try to escape?"

"I thought that if I escaped, I would have a chance of going back to my normal life," I said looking away from his face.

"Your life will never be the same because it belongs to me now," he said, "your life belongs to the richest and most powerful man in all of Miami, and nothing in my life or household is ever normal."


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