Xavier is dying: 10

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Chapter 10

Xavier's POV

In a panic, I sat up, looking around with large gasps of air flowing through my lungs for the first time in what felt like forever.

I could hear ruckus outside. There was rapid paw prints hitting off the ground. Yelling could be heard in the distance and the sounds of fighting could be heard from all directions.

Getting up, I found the door easily, feeling like I could see much more clearly in the dark. With a deep breath, I smashed open the stone door with my fist much to my surprise. Huh, didn't think that would work. I felt the foundations of the building fall down around me leaving me standing in the ruckus. I was astounded, I couldn't knock a tree over never mind a stone building. What is going on? Yet again! I feel permanently confused at this point. Maybe I have dementia or something and I'm hallucinating?

Glancing down to my hands, I frowned as the scrawny boney hands were no longer there. Instead, defined hands met me as I clenched my right hand, confirming they were really mine.

My thoughts were interrupted by yelling and snarling causing me to dive into action. I began running through the woods and away from the fighting. I couldn't understand anything that was going on, nevermind trying to run into battle. I felt lighter on my feet. I felt freer. I felt taller and stronger. My feet carried me so quickly through the woods that everything was a mere blur.

I felt invincible.

Snarling from my left caused me to stop in my tracks. I turned to see a brown wolf, average size, snarling with a scar through its right eye. Rogue. In a panic, I froze. I couldn't fight, I couldn't transform into my wolf.

You can.

That wasn't my wolf? What on earth?

You will understand in time, my prince. Until then, just know you are royal, you are strong. you are fierce and you can most definitely fight. I will assist you as your equal.

Royal? What? There was no way a weakling like me was a royal. However, with the compromising circumstances I was in, I wasn't going to read too far into it. If it meant not dying then I'd roll with it and question it later. With my new found abilities, I prepared to take on the rogue until it stopped in its tracks, transforming back into its human form, fear encasing his aura.

"Y-your eyes? My prince!" The rogue exclaimed, getting on one knee and bowing.

I nodded in confusion, stepping back and deciding to flee rather and fighting the rogue since it no longer posed a threat. I was scared, i'll admit that. I didn't smell like my pack, therefore, I'd be just as hunted with the rogues. I needed to get off the pack land, especially if I am the lost prince somehow.

I need a therapist after this.

Or a bottle of vodka.

To be confirmed.

My next destination had to be the castle. No one stepped near the royal grounds after the prince disappeared. Searches were carried out for three years until a rogue attack caused the royals to no longer be able to leave in search. Since then, a bounty to find the prince was placed over his head and the royals relied on the packs to find him, well, me?

Rogues. I'd need to be careful. With how far the castle was, I'd need to tread on a lot of unmarked rogue territory and risk being attacked. I'd more than likely die before I made it near castle grounds but if i'm truly the prince then I could get there in merely a day and would be able to get through the land without anyone being able to catch me.

It was worth a shot. No one here would believe I was Xavier as it is, It's kill or be killed. My best shot is to get to the castle.

I began heading towards the end of the blue moon territory, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone since they'd all be preoccupied with the rest of the rogues. I hope Bella was okay. Ricky would look after her.

My heart hurt at the idea of Aries being hurt but I continued, refusing to let him get to me. I wouldn't let him have anymore power over me. The rejection was enough. I needed to move forward and create a life without him. He didn't want me, as much as that thought hurt me.

I dismissed the thoughts of Aries when I noticed how close I was the the pack borders. My thoughts of escaping were temporarily put on hold when I noticed a small lake on my right. I quickly ran over to it and looked at my reflection in the water.

Golden eyes stared back at me. Royal eyes. I didn't look like anything of myself. All my features were strong, sharp. My hair dark as night splayed over my forehead, contrasting my eyes. Confusion swirled in my eyes reflection as I took in my appearance. However, the confusion I was experiencing was cut short as voices neared me. They were yelling, tracking my rogue scent.

It was time to go.

And I wasn't sure if I'd ever be back. 

Glancing around the trees one last time, I finally transformed into my wolf, feeling all the more in control for once. Power flowed through my veins as I caught sight of my royal white wolf in my reflection against the lake water. I didn't have much time to drink in my wolf form as I fled, leaving my previous life as a dull memory.

I reached the pack border in seconds as my wolf and in a split moment, I felt the atmosphere of the blue moon pack shatter around me. I'd left the pack borders for the first time ever. I wasn't sure how I felt at this.

With a small glance back at the pack grounds, I left for the castle, not risking my trackers seeing me.

It was going to be a long day of running but with the free feeling my wolf brought me, I didn't care. I felt amazing.

I felt royal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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