Xavier is Dying : 3

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Xavier's POV:

When I went to find Bella, she was gone. There was no trace of her anywhere within the dress shop. I had an awkward encounter by walking into the changing room she was in after knocking and finding a woman squealing in surprise, covering her chest. After endless apologies and trying to explain the confusion, I awkwardly left the dress shop whilst every employee stared me down as if I was a peeping tom.

I stood for a moment, looking around the packed mall, scanning every face absentmindedly but coming up with nothing. The bag hung over my shoulder weighed down on me pressingly as I rubbed the back of my neck in confusion.

Where would she go?

My last idea was the local Starbucks. Bella loved coffee and I wouldn't have been surprised if she decided to head there because I was taking too long. She probably would have been tired after all the shopping she done and caffeine was certainly something that would help that.

"You better be here, Bella," I grumbled out as I turned left, further into the crowd and headed to the Starbucks.

By the time I'd gotten there, I'd already caught sight of her from a distance. It was hard not to with the huge bag double the size of mine swung over her shoulder. She was just accepting her coffee from the barista with a grateful smile as I entered the cafe.

I rolled my eyes, approaching her as she took a sip of her coffee and hummed in satisfaction. I loomed over her small frame, causing her to glance up at me and grin sheepishly.

"Fancy seeing you here," I sarcastically deadpanned towards her as she chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, I needed coffee after that ordeal," She explained, glancing down at her cup and back up at me.

"It's cool, but you picked without me," I stated, sadness crossing my features as I pointed to her dress bag which was firmly zipped over her shoulder.

"Well, Xavier. It's absolutely perfect and you were taking too long so I decided to pick without you. This way it'll be a cool surprise for you!" She shrugged off, letting her excitement peak through.

After agreeing I couldn't be mad if it was the dress, I told Bella I had some news to which her eyes became saucers in interest. We left the coffee shop, me stating I couldn't say anything with prying ears surrounding us. She happily followed me towards my red Audi, bouncing on her toes in excitement. Once we reached my car, we placed our outfits in the back seat and got in ourselves.

"What kind of news?" She pondered from the passenger seat, this time leaving the aux cord bare as she was no longer interested in listening to music, rather my news.

I started the engine to my car, momentarily ignoring her as I concentrated on getting out the mobbed car lot. Once we were moving and I'd gotten out the space, I finally gave Bella my attention.

"News which we must discuss at our spot," I finally told her in all seriousness causing her to nod and sit back impatiently. Her leg bounced in anticipation as she drummed her hand on the dashboard, patiently waiting for me to tell her.

The drive passed by quickly, my house appearing in sight. My house was only five minutes from Bella and I's sacred spot so my anticipation was growing by the second, just as Bella's. I couldn't wait to see her face when I told her.

So that we had each other's undivided attention, we abandoned our phones and belongings in the car, heading off to our area with no bags weighing us down.

Our spot was a small clearing, a little out the way of the pack grounds. It seemed untouched, as if no one else knew about it, creating the idea that it was just Bella and I's. Our spot. Due to it being out the way, it was probably why no one bothered to try and find it. Where I lived, it was completely secluded from the main pack houses. The alpha, beta and gamma houses had a special area of their own, highlighting the significance of those who lived in it.

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