Chapter XIII

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"Wake up my pregnant dollface."

    I groaned as I woke up, confused when I recognized the new scenery. When had we started driving? I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I moved to stretch and felt a painful strain on my belly. I winced and looked down, gasping at the sight of my large belly. How? What? When? I'm barely two weeks along! I frantically tossed my head about, trying to see what else had happened during this black spot in my memory.

    My gaze landed upon a black trash bag in the back of the car. The urge to see what was inside took control of my body, and I found myself pulling back the sides, revealing the corpse of a woman, laid face down. Curiosity got the best of me and I rolled her head, screaming when I recognized the angelic face on the girl.

"AZARIA?!" I cried out.

Myles chuckled beside me, filled with joy at the pain I was emitting. I felt thee nausea coming and vomited out the open window. I kept gagging for minutes after the retching stopped. Why her? How could he?

"YOU BASTARD!" I roared, slamming my fists into his arms and sides.

"Shit." Myles swore, slamming on the brakes as we reared to the left.

The car stopped and Myles gripped my wrists, yanking me over to him. I yelled in pain as the seat belt stretched against my pregnant belly. Myles wasted no time in slamming his fist into my face, time after time, leaving my face swollen, tingling and bleeding.

"You don't raise your voice to me, bitch." He growled. "Now you're going to pay, with the life we built."

I made a move to protest, but with my crushed chin, I had no way of talking. Terror shook my body as I attempted to understand what he was saying. The first blow to my stomach killed my soul. The second destroyed my world.



"ELOUISE WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Myles's voice punctured through my dream, pulling me from the horrid dream.

I shot up, sweating profusely. I squeezed my eyes shut, relief flowing down my cheeks in the form of tears. Oh thank god. I reopened my eyes, recognizing my location with ease. Still at the damn hotel with that poor woman dead on the floor, only this time, the blood was cleaned up. Myles looked up at me from his position on the floor.

"Get dressed, we're leaving." He ordered before continuing to wrap up the body in...cling wrap? That's new.

I pulled myself out of bed, slightly unsteady. I stumbled to my small bag and pulled out a white sundress that Myles bought a week or so ago. I took a warm shower, wincing everytime the water got into a cut. Returning to the room, dressed, I grabbed my bag from Myles's hand, waiting as he carried the body to the hotel balcony and chucked the body over the edge. It landed on the floor with a loud splat and thud. Myles grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room, urging me to run down the stairs. We ran down three flights of stairs before casually walking up to the reception desk, placing the keycard on the desk.

We walked out of the hotel, stopping for Myles to wink at the camera. We walked past the erratic hotel workers, to a truck that Myles had hijacked early this morning. We climbed inside, driving away just as the police arrived on scene. Myles chuckled to himself, turning up the radio as we got onto highway fifteen. We drove south to San Diego, stopping at Border Field State Park. We pulled in without a problem, heading down to the picnic center.

I exited the vehicle with a wobble, stumbling into the bathroom. Myles pulled me down the dirt path to the picnic tables. With stiff limbs, I fell onto the bench, wincing at the crunching of my joints. Myles returned to the car, bringing with him camping supplies.

"We're camping? Are we allowed to do that here?" I wondered aloud.

"Yes." He grunted, moving further down the path to the camping area.

"Alrighty then." I whispered under my breath, watching as he began the set-up.

"Elouise!" He shouted after a few minutes.

"What?" I asked.

"Grab the bags."

I sighed and moved to the car, pulling out our small bags of clothing. I ambled down the path, throwing the bags into the tent. I was about to crawl in when Myles grabbed my arm, shaking his head.

"We're not done. Get back in the car."

I groaned. I just want to sleep! I followed him back into the car, trying to get comfortable in the passenger seat as he sped down the road. We ended up at a hospital. Why? I can't tell you. Neither of us are currently harmed (other than my sewn injuries), so the only explanation I can think of, is that he's trolling for victims. The hatred I feel for this man is overwhelming.

I followed Myles into the hospital, up to the front desk. From the corner of my eye I saw the security guard grip his gun, looking at Myles with fear. Huh, it looks like we've been made. Hopefully they'll capture him and I can be free. Myles looked down at me, questioning the hopeful look on my face. His eyes followed my gaze to the security guard. Myles stiffened beside me.

"Well damn. I thought I'd have more time. Oh well, he'll do." Myles mumbled to me, turning with ease towards the security guard.

Slow motion took over as I watched with shock as Myles whipped out his gun, shooting the poor security guard with two shots to the chest, and one final shot to the head. He pulled me out of the hospital, running into the parking lot. We hijacked a new truck, hitting the road at a high speed. We made it to the state park and down past the unguarded gate. We started driving down to our campsite, when he stopped, made a u-turn, and moved down the road to an empty campsite with a boat and camper.

He moved with ease, hooking up their boat to the back of this truck. We rode back down to our set up. I sat in the car as he rushed to pack up our stuff, shoving it into the boat. Once we were packed, Myles drove down to the unloading dock. He reversed and unhooked the boat, tying it down before pulling me out and setting me inside.

"I'll be back in a bit. Stay low, stay quiet." He ordered, climbing back into the truck, driving off.

I sunk down to the bottom of the boat, pulling one of the sleeping bags towards me. I climbed inside and shut my eyes, drifting into an uncomfortable yet warm sleep. I woke hours later to the boat rocking side to side as we moved through the ocean on the yacht. I opened my eyes, greeted by the lighter night sky.

"Where are we Myles?" I asked, seeing him at the wheel.

"Heading north to Los Angeles. After that? We'll pass over into Arizona."

"Why?" I questioned.

"This has been my plan from the beginning. Move across the US and hit as many people as I can." He said with glee.

I frowned unhappily, settling back down and closing my eyes again. This is gonna take a while.

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