Chapter XVII

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After Wilson walked into the interrogation room to tell me the news, he helped me get cleaner clothes. I want to talk to my family, but I can't face them. Not now. We drove in the car towards the warehouse that Myles had directed me to. His plan is almost at its' end. I closed my eyes as I remembered his words to me.


    "Take them to the address my love. When we get there, I'll show you to the Garden of Eden and we'll eat all the fruit there is." Myles spoke, caressing his cheek after finishing relaying his plan to me.

    "Garden of Eden? We're going to Purgatory Myles." I giggled.

    "Fine then, you'll be my Persephone and we'll rule the Underworld for eternity." He whispered, capturing his lips with mine.


    I touched my lips briefly, closing my eyes to remember him. The car coasted to a stop outside the warehouse. I looked up at Wilson. He held out a bullet proof vest to me, but I refused.

    "Elouise you have to take it. There might be a gunfight, you might be in the middle, I can't let you die." He urged.

    I smiled at him. "If I die, at least I'll be free."

    We continued to argue about my safety before he finally gave up on trying to convince me. With reluctance, Wilson climbed out and walked around to my door, opening it for me. Before I climbed out, I asked Wilson for a piece of paper and a pen. I can't physically talk to my family, but I can try to apologize for causing them so much pain and disappointment. I started writing.


To My Mum, Stephen, and My "Baby" Sister Azaria.

    I can't tell you how sorry I am for putting all of you through all this pain. I never meant for this to happen. I know I should have listened to you. I should have minded my own business, and now I'll never see you again. Take care of my boys for me. They're angels. I'm sorry for causing so much pain and disappointment. I never expected this to happen, to get caught up with a serial killer. I hope that one day, you can forgive me. Don't mourn me. This world will be better off without my presence. Mum, Stephen. I'm so happy that you found each other. I'm sorry that Dad passed because of me. I've never forgiven myself. Azaria. Find love, be happy. Enjoy life and forget about me. You are beautiful and confident, everything I'm not. Look out for the Julian's of the world. I know you love Mason, and that he loves you, so just forget about your reputation and go for it. He won't wait forever. I love you, all of you, more than you could ever know.

With All My Love,

Your Elouise xx


    Finishing my letter off, I folded it and handed it to Wilson, telling him that if something happens, which it undoubtedly will, that he has to give it to my family. A solemn look filled his face.

    "Nothing will happen to you, Elouise." He assured me.

    I smiled sadly. Oh you poor, ignorant fool. We walked into the warehouse once SWAT was in place. Inside, Myles was waiting for me, a teenager bound next to him. His eyes lit up with anticipation when he looked at me, but narrowed with anger upon noticing the hand upon my shoulder. Wilson and the other agents maneuvered me halfway to Myles before stopping.

    "Send her over to me." Myles demanded.

    "Not going to happen. I want the young girl first." Wilson countered.

    Myles scoffed, gripping the girl harder. "No. If you don't get off your high horse and reunite me with my prize, I will blow this building up."

    Myles stared into my eyes the entire time. He's bluffing. He doesn't want to go out this way. Wilson froze up beside me, his hand tightening on my shoulder. He looked down at me, worry and guilt filling his features.

    "Hey, it's not your fault. Just let me go. Save her." I whispered.

    "We'll capture him as soon as she's safe. You have nothing to worry about." Wilson muttered.

    "SAME TIME!" He yelled towards Myles, who nodded.

    On the count of three, both of us girls were pushed forward. The girl hobbled towards Wilson, rushing as fast as she could. I moved to Myles, greeting his smirk with a hidden wink. When I reached him, Myles made a show of wrapping his arms around me. The pain in my back made me wince as it was squeezed, but other than that, I felt safe.

    He looked down at me, brushing the hair from my face. It felt like we were the only people in the world. He loosened his grip, allowing me to stand back as he looked me up and down. Once satisfied, he looked up towards Wilson, who had just grabbed the teenager.

    "A hostage?" I asked, confused as to the addition to the plan.

    "I've studied Wilson. If a hostage is involved, he can't refuse demands." Myles explained quietly.

    I saw the officers around us get ready to close in on us. He smiled happily. "It's time to go to Purgatory my sweetheart. Together, we'll raise our demon child to be a queen."

    "You're insane, Myles." I whispered, feeling his lips press against my forehead.

    "We both are." He said as he quickly pulled his two guns from his pants and aimed at the police officers closing in.

    Without hesitation, he took to shooting at them. The world grew silent as bullets flew at the officers. They immediately returned fire. The first bullet pierced my left shoulder into Myles's right. The second went through my right left and stayed there. By the third bullet, I felt no pain. Myles and I fell to the ground beside each other, bleeding from multiple gunshot wounds. I could hear Agent Valdez's voice calling out, ordering them to stop shooting and start bringing the paramedics in.

    I felt no pain as I gazed into Myles's beautiful blue eyes. He reached forward and entwined our hands, placing his other upon my stomach. I smile fell upon his lips. Paramedics ran up to us, trying to save our lives. All the while, our hands stayed intertwined. I felt the life slowly drain from my body, and as my eyes closed for the last time, I could only hear the sound of Myles's heart, my heart, and my baby's barely existent heartbeat come to a end.

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