Chapter II

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"Elouise! Let me in! Did you deadbolt the door?" A muffled voice yelled, followed by a quiet 'Shut Up!'

Through my hardened eyes, I looked up and saw the light coming from under and over the closet door. Swallowing with my dry throat, I crawled out the door and unlocked the bedroom door. Pulling myself up, I stumbled to the front door and unlocked it. It pushed open and in walked my friend and co-worker at the Denver Post, Justine.

"Hey! Dude you will not believe the day I've had. It's been so hec- are you bleeding?" She gasped, turning to look at me.

I turned towards the mirror, and sure enough, there was blood, fresh and old, on my forehead. "Oh uh, it's nothing, I-I was just so tired last night and so thrilled about A-Azaria graduating that I-I ran into the door and fell a-asleep like this."

Justine frowned and grabbed a wet cloth to dab at my forehead. "Damn girl, you're so clumsy! We need to take you to the ER."

I stepped back. What if he's waiting out there? "Um, I'm sure I'll be fine, it's just a little- OW!" I shouted as a sharp pain ripped across my face.

Justine's eyes widened and she literally attempted to drag me out of my apartment. I stopped her, saying that the least she could do was let me get a shower and change. Soon, she was pulling me out the door again, herding me down the stairs to her car, even locking the doors so that I wouldn't try to run. I'm not just worried about the crazy man, I also hate hospitals. Five minutes of slow agonizing torture passed before we finally pulled into the parking lot for the hospital and went inside. Then we sat waiting to be seen next.

"Elouise Copeland?" A nurse called out.

I stood up and she brought me into a room where I had to tell her everything I was feeling. She left the room and came back with a doctor whose face was covered by a surgical mask. They talked for a bit and then he turned to me, and I froze. Those eyes.... Were the same exact ones of the murderer's, they had the same piercing cold gleam. His eyes narrowed at me and I couldn't take it anymore, so I did the most logical thing. I fainted.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, can  you hear me?" A man said, shining a light in my eyes.

All I could see was the blurriness, before it all cleared away and I saw him standing there, faking a concerned look. His eyes held the dangerous truth, the thoughts of a murderer. I breathed heavily and noticed there were other people in my room. I just nodded, praying that he wouldn't hurt me. He pulled his mask off, confirming it to be the same man. I couldn't blink, I was that terrified. He looked at my injury, asking me yes or no questions which I answered quietly, and soon the nurses left and we were alone. Immediately, he wrapped his hand tightly around my throat, cutting off my air.

"Say anything, and I will kill both you and your annoying little friend." He snapped into my ear.

I nodded quickly, gasping for air as he let go. A nurse came in and he stepped back, still glaring at me. "A-Am I g-good to go?" I asked her, still staring at him with fear.

He answered for the nurse. "You'll be fine, just take care of yourself, don't do anything stupid that might get you hurt."

I gulped and nodded, quickly getting to my feet and going to follow the nurse as she left. Before I could escape, his large hand clamped down on my shoulder. I jumped back and looked at him, noticing his nametag for the first time. Dr. Myles Banks. He bent down, putting his mouth next to my ear.

"Stay out of trouble, Eloise, I'll be seeing you soon," His grip tightened and I could sense a smirk forming on his lips, "Very soon."

I all but ran from the room, chilled to the core. I don't want to die. Oh my god, what do I do? Justine greeted me and stood near me as we signed out and confirmed payment with the secretary. In the car, I was silent, not knowing what to say. Justine didn't bother me, figuring I was tired, or something like that. Once in my apartment, I locked myself back in my room, curling up on my bed, praying that everything would be alright. Against my will, my tense body relaxed until I fell asleep, dreaming of the horrible things that could happen to me at the hands of that psychotic doctor.


"Wake up.....wake up...... wake up...." A voice whispered in my ear, causing me to shoot up and punch the other person square in the face.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Justine standing in front of me, holding her nose, cursing like a sailor. I gasped in shock, "I am so sorry!"

She rolled her eyes and walked into my bathroom before cursing again. "You're so lucky that you didn't break it!"

"I honestly, didn't mean to!" I yelled, sitting up in bed. "Why are you here? How did you get into my bedroom?"

"I'm here to check in on you! I texted you twenty times, and called you five. I just jimmied the lock like my dad taught me to do. Why'd you lock yourself in anyway?" She called out, walking back into my line of sight.

"I witnessed a murder and the crazy psycho not only knows who I am, but he possibly knows where I live." Justine waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my daze, looking at her again. "Oh sorry, it's just a habit." I covered.

"Huh," She said as she walked out into the living room, "That's weird."

Following her, I balked at the clock on the wall. "10:30 in the afternoon? How long have I been asleep?" I yelled.

Justine rolled her eyes and put on her coat. "Well, we got back here around 1:00, so about nine and a half hours."

My eyes practically bugged out of my skull. "Oh my god. Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"Home!" She laughed. "I just came to check in and see if you were alive. It's snowing and I want to get home to my boys. Speaking of boys, where are yours?"

I frowned before it dawned on me. "Holy shit, they're still at the boarding house! I need to call them!"

Justine laughed and waved at me before exiting the apartment. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed the number. Ring..... Ring....... Ri- "Casey's Pet Boarding House! How may I be of service?"

"Hi! My name is Eloise Copeland, I boarded my two cats, Oscar and Jay, a week ago and wasn't able to come pick them up today!" I said, clenching the phone in my hand.

"Oh Miss. Copeland! We were worried when you didn't show up! Don't worry, we can hold onto them for an extra night, you'll just have to add a bit more to the price..." The secretary said.

"Of course, of course, thank you so much!" I breathed in a sigh of relief.

"No worries. We shall see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and put it back on charge, feeling better.

Shaking my head, I went to turn around when cold hands gripped my neck. I froze. Impossible! A face brushed against the side of my head. I gulped and heard the man chuckle deeply.

"Told you I'd see you soon."

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