Chapter XVI

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As I left Elouise in the interrogation room, shudders ran down my body. I knew Myles was sick, but what he did to that girl. When the paramedics told me about the letters carved into her back, I didn't think it was true, that anyone could do something like that, but now. . . I don't know what to think.

    Malia nodded at me as she exited the observation room. Everyone was ready. We headed down to the lobby area where my team was gathered. They were excited yet upset that we had caught Elouise. I shook my head mentally, remembering the scene that occured hours ago.


    "He's going to find a victim today." I announced, walking into the room. "It's his pattern."

    Malia nodded, coming up from behind me. "That's right. He seems to target areas with multiple targets, like restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, etcetera. He never does the same place in a row. Last time he hit a gas station, and the time before he hit a restaurant. This time, I believe he's hitting a grocery store."

"Believing doesn't convince me Malia. I need you to be confident." I exclaimed, worriedly.

Malia looked up at me. "I'm certain."

"Good, now we just need to know where." I said, sitting down at my computer.

"I think I can help with that." Agent Reece said, walking in with his laptop in hand.

"Talk to me Reece."

"I've analyzed his movement pattern and narrowed it down to the area of Santa Fe." He stated, pointing to the map on his computer.

"That's practically an hour from here!" I announced with worry. "He'll attack sometime around lunch, so we need to go, now!'

We all ran off to the SUVs, hitting the road quickly. "Malia, how many supermarkets are in Santa Fe?"

"There are twenty total supermarkets." She said.

"Geez, we have to narrow this down and set a trap." I growled.

"Okay, well he's a narcissist, so he'll want to do this in a place with many people." Malia said, crossing out the small grocery stores.

"Maybe near a police department?" I suggested.

"Giant. It's a convenience store, part of a chain in Santa Fe." She stated.

"That's it." I yelled, telling her to call the police department and the other team members to loop them in.

We arrived there at eleven o'clock, immediately getting to work, setting a trap. We couldn't alarm any of the civilians inside, so we simply sent plain clothed cops in, as well as SWAT in the back rooms. Time passed without any sign of Myles or Elouise. Just as I started to think I was wrong, a woman hobbled in through the doors, glancing around as if searching for someone in particular.

I glanced down at the photo in my hand and recognized her as Elouise Copeland. I nodded at my team, telling them to keep watch, just in case Myles was with her. She walked through the aisles, occasionally grabbing her back as if she was in pain. I signaled for Collins, who is in plain clothes, to follow her. She headed towards the bathrooms, stopping for a moment before pushing the door to the family restroom open. She looked at something inside. I signaled for Collins to take her down, and he tackled her to the floor.

A yelp of pain escaped from her lips and blood began soaking through her shirt. Shit, she's hurt. Everything was a blur as they pulled her out and towards the cruisers. I walked into the bathroom and stopped short. There, sitting on the toilet, was a middle-aged woman, stabbed to death with her arms crossed across her chest and her mouth taped into a smile. I felt tears prick at my eyes. He's taunting us.

The coroner and CSI came into do their jobs. I left, heading outside with the rest of my team. We drove to the station and I walked into the interrogation room where Elouise was waiting. As I walked in, the paramedics were leaving. One man stopped me briefly.

"Sir, I don't know if this is relevant to your case or anything, but she has the word MINE carved into her back." He murmured before following his partner out the door.

Shock richoched through my body. That poor girl, no stop it Wilson. She's a suspect. Treat her like one. I looked at Miss. Copeland's frail, shaking body and sighed. Here we go.


    I snapped out of my daze as Malia nudged my shoulder.

    "Are you okay, Wilson?" She whispered.

    "Yeah, just confused. How did we miss him? The woman was died when we were there. He got in and out without us noticing." I growled in frustration.

    "I know but there's really nothing we can do about the past, only prepare for the future." She said.

    "I don't understand why he's going back to Denver. It's suicide." I wondered.

    "Maybe that's what he wants, to die."

    "Perhaps, I just didn't think he'd want to go out like that." I stated.

    Just as I went to talk again, my phone rang. I picked it up, seeing the Caller ID as unknown. I quickly made hand signals to Malia, telling her to listen in to the call, and attempt to trace it. She gave me the thumbs up and I answered the phone.

    "Myles." I spat, angrily.

    "Ah, Detective Wilson. You've taken something from me. That isn't very nice." Myles laughed.

    "You son of a bitch." I cursed. "What is your game? We will find you and lock you away."

    "Whatever you say. Now, I'm assuming that my little Elouise has already given me up. Well, I can't say I'm too surprised." He responded.

    "What the hell do you want?" I hissed, trying to keep my cool.

    "I want you to bring Elouise to me." He uttered with determination.

    "Now, why the hell would I do that?"

    "Because, if you do, I'll stop killing innocent civilians. If you don't, I'll complete another MASSACRE." He thundered.

    I stopped for a minute. "No."

    "You don't have a choice, you see, I have a hostage with me right no. Tell him your name honey.... HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! PL-" A woman's voice broke through the line.

    I froze. I don't have a choice. I looked at Malia, who still can't pinpoint his location due to the use of a scrambler. She slowly nodded, mouthing that we don't have an option.

    "I knew you'd come around. Elouise knows where to meet me. Feel free to bring your men, I just want her." Myles commanded, hanging up the phone.

    I closed my eyes, putting the phone down. A sigh left my lips. I have to put this poor girl through even more horror. With a heavy heart, I turned back to the interrogation room, looking her with sadness.

    "I'm sorry Miss. Copeland, but I have to take you with me when we go to Denver. You apparently know where he's going to be." I said.

    Her head fell with despair as she softly replied with fear. "Yeah, I know where to go."

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