Chapter IV

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"Sweet Home Alabama...." The radio played, waking me up yet again.

I raised my head in a daze, confused at first to feel my wrists and ankles bound. Shaking off the haziness, I took in my surroundings, finding myself in the backseat of a car, a tarp over me. Squirming, I moved until the tarp slipped off my bruised, barely clothed body, until I could see the window. All I could see was forested areas. What the-? Where am I? Where is he taking me? What happened?

"Ah, good morning sunshine." Myles's voice greeted me. I yelled at him through the gag, only amusing him.

His hands started tapping on the steering wheel and the sound of his hands hitting a surface immediately brought back my memories, sending me several hours earlier, back to hell.


Thump. Thump. SMACK. I cringed as Myles used the poor victim as a punching bag. I squirmed in my seat, feeling another round of hot tears well up in my eyes.

"Just leave the poor guy alone!" I screamed at him.

Myles stilled, slowly turning around to look at me with a raised eyebrow. A twisted grin pulled it's way across his face.

"So, you want a turn love?" He waltzed towards me, "I'd be happy to oblige."

My naked body involuntarily began to shake with terror. I squeezed my eyes shut. Oh no, no no no no no! His cold, calloused hand brushed across my face as he pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I let out a yelp as he yanked on it, making me stare at him upside down. I stared at his handsomely sadistic face with fear, anger, and hatred.

He faked a pout. "Aw babe. Scared? I thought this is what you wanted."

"Go to hell you dick." I growled at him.

"I'll see you there babe."

"Just let us go!" I wheezed as he moved his hands around my throat and squeezed.

He bent down, putting his face next to my ear. "I'm never letting you go."

He let go of me, letting me catch my breath. Suddenly, the palm of his hand connected with my right cheek, sending a searing pain through my face. I cried out in agony. He turned my head to look at him, his furious gaze glared into my tearful eyes.

"Keep your mouth shut, or I really will use you next."

I tore my eyes out of his gaze, averting my eyes to look at the wonderfully interesting stain on the floor, only to squeeze them shut again when I recognized it as blood. His footprints receded and the sound of fists on skin resumed. I winced every few minutes, praying that my family was looking for me.

Hours passed, and I could sense him getting bored with his torture. He disappeared into the back of the warehouse at one point, and returned with a cleaver, scissors and a hunting knife. My eyes widened in fear for both the man and I. Myles winked at me and made a show of running the hunting knife along my bare arm and taping my eyes open yet again. He walked past me, and without a sign of hesitation or remorse, he plunged the hunting knife into the man's stomach.

I screamed out at the sight of blood pouring down his body. Myles ignored my cries and continued to attack the man, hell bent in ending his life with as much pain as possible. The fact that he was enjoying it made me feel even more sick than I did before. Myles left the knife in his left thigh and picked up the scissors, stroking the man's face before snipping off a piece of hair, tying it with twine and putting it into a box. He pulled the man down but then moved to shackle him against the wall, arms and legs out. I watched in horror as Myles traded the scissors for the meat cleaver.

Waving it mockingly in front of my face, Myles quickly turned and chucked it at the man. I fainted when the cleaver perfectly severed the man's right hand, but not before throwing up in my mouth.


I suddenly shuddered with anger and disgust at the memory. Myles glanced up at me through the mirror again, flashing a perfect white grin. He suddenly frowned when looking over at one of the sideview mirrors. He glanced at me and then at the passenger seat. He seemed to make up his mind and pulled over the car. He exited the vehicle and walked around to me, sitting me up and ripping a piece of duct-tape off the roll in his hands.

"Just a precaution little one. Don't want you to get me in trouble while I still have the body parts wrapped up in the back." He spoke with a casual tone and an evil glint in his eyes.

My heart rate must have risen several beats, because it felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. He taped my mouth shut and pushed me into the space between the seats, recovering me with the tarp. I silently cried in my position as we continued to drive. The annoying radio eventually lulled me to sleep, allowing me to escape from my painful reality. It seemed like mere minutes had passed before the car came to a screeching halt and jolted me awake.

The rear door opened and the tarp was lifted from my body, then I was carried from the car by Myles, into what looked like a run-down rest stop bathroom. He set me on the grimy floor, and I swear I could see a cockroach. He looked down at me.

"Need to pee?"

I shook my head, eyes filled with disgust. He just laughed.

"I know, not the most ideal conditions for what I have planned. We won't be leaving here for a while, so I suggest you get used to it, and go pee." He stated calmly, untying my legs and exiting the bathroom.

I ran to the door, only to find it locked from the outside. I held back tears and looked at the toilets. My bladder was just starting to beg for release, making me extremely uncomfortable. I looked at the door. If I held it in, he would come back and watch me struggle. If I go now, I can at least pee in disgusting peace. Groaning, I ran to the toilet, hovering over it and relieving myself with a sigh of relief.

I looked at the toilet paper covered in holes and shuddered with horror, wondering what had touched it. Sucking it up, I quickly wiped and flew out of the stall after flushing, scrubbing my hands in the dirty sink. Myles opened the bathroom door and walked up to me, rebinding my legs. Disgust filled me as I realized he had been listening to me pee.

I stared at him as he carried in a mini freezer, and screamed through the tape on my mouth when he opened it to reveal bloody plastic bags of the man's body parts. Myles laughed at my horror, making a show of dangling the head in front of me. He saw my intention to vomit and pushed me to the toilet bowl, ripping the tape of just in time for me to spew my guts out. He groaned in disgust and left me over the toilet as he plugged his fridge into a socket, that surprisingly still worked.

I managed to wipe my mouth on the toilet role and hop back over to him before falling on my ass. He barely acknowledged my existence as he walked back and forth to his car, carrying two different backpacks and a shovel. In one backpack, there were cleaning supplies and in the other there was a load of cling wrap, tools and a blowtorch. He set to work cleaning the bathroom. At one point towards the end of his cleaning, Myles picked me up and transferred me onto the now cling wrap covered floor to clean under where I had previously sat. The whole thing was truly a disgusting task, but at the end of several hours, it looked somewhat usable.

Once he was satisfied, he pulled gloves on and covered his hair. Then, he pulled the various body parts out and set them out to form a human. I nearly threw up again when I realized that he had cut everything off. EVERYTHING. Myles unwrapped the hands and using the blowtorch, he removed the fingerprints. Then, using a plier, he opened the man's mouth and removed each of his teeth. After completely disfiguring the man's face and body parts, he got ready to hide/destroy the evidence.

Horror took over my body as he took one of the hands and walked over to the toilet. Looking at me over his shoulder, Myles winked and blew a kiss as he dropped it in the toilet. My mouth dropped as he flushed it. He truly is a sick bastard!

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