Chapter Dieciocho

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I need to find out what all Edwyn needs, but I also need to find out what all I can do. What powers do I have? What exactly does it mean, me being a vampire? There's only one person to call...Claudia. I walked on the back porch and cupped my hands around my mouth, I was about to yell and she "poofed" up. It was almost like all I had to do was think her name, and she was here. I was glad, because now I could ask her everything and hopefully get the answers I needed.

"You called ma'am?" Claudia asked.

"I actually didn't call," I said, "I was thinking it, but never actually called your name."

"I see," Claudia laughs, "what can I help you with ma'am?"

"I need to know about everything," I say, " the things I can do and such."

"Everything?" she questioned.

"I need to know" I begged.

She took a deep breath and started explaining.

'Vampire - preternatural creature transformed from a dying mortal, which sustains itself on the blood of the living. Having once been human vampires are the closest in kind to humans. In folklore around the world the vampire image invokes terror and inspires a wide variety of rituals, which are intended to kill these immortal creatures. Tales of vampires date back to ancient times, and are found across most world cultures. Among the earliest vampire images are the bloodthirsty goddess Kali, the Egyptian Deity Osiris, and Yama, the Tibetan Lord of the Dead. Other names for vampires include Nosferatu, Verdilak, and Lamia.

Features of the Vampire - There are several features, which distinguish the vampire from the ordinary mortal. There are the most expected ones, they cannot move about in the daytime, as the sun will burn them to death, fire will destroy them. However there are other things, which are less obvious, yet, still observable. After they have died, or been born to darkness as it is often called, Vampires retain their mortal features, but the change in their cellular makeup makes their skin and lips white, translucent, and reflective, and their fingernails gleam with a highly polished luster. After drinking blood, the Vampire becomes flushed and ruddy, less luminous. As a result of their appearance Vampires often drink before they attempt to come in close contact with mortals to reduce the chance of detection.

A Vampire's hair grows thicker and fuller after receiving the Dark Gift. It does, however, remain the same length as it had when the mortal who became the vampire died. Their skin hardens over time, which diminished facial creases, giving the vampire a more unearthly and ethereal look. Their fangs grow front the canine teeth. As a result of these features vampires often look like angels. This gives them a supernatural allure. Mortals often find themselves irresistibly drawn to these dark seductive creatures because vampires of that allure.

Physical powers - Physically vampires are very strong. For example vampires can bend a copper penny double and some of the very old ones can walk through plaster walls and hurl cars out of their way. As part of their strength they can project their voices to an earsplitting level. They can also speak too low for mortals to hear. They possess great speed of movement. They can seem to mortal eyes to vanish and reappear when in fact they only move to fast for the human eye to detect. As vampires age their body cells harden and whiten; they seem like marble to the younger ones. Nevertheless their bodies remain flexible, light, and dexterous. They can jump to great heights.

"Are you still with me?" Claudia asks.

I nod.

Vampires have an advanced ability to heal. Their wounds close with a preternatural speed and a limb cut off may be reattached and full restored simply through this healing ability.

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