Chapter Diecinueve

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We walk in the kitchen, I grab two glasses from the cabinet, set them on the counter and walk to the fridge to grab the container filled with blood. I pour us each a huge glass full anf return the container to the fridge. We walk over to and sit down and the table. After a few sips we contunie talking about things that I still need to work on. I know that I have a lot of learning to do, but my main concern is Edwyn. What do I need to do for him? What all does he need?

"Claudia," I ask, "what all does Edwyn need, you know, to live in this world? You are aware that he's half vampire and half werewolf, right?"

"Yes ma'am," she smiles, "I am aware of it and I'll explain everything to you. Let's drink our blood, then we can discuss how Edwyn will live in this world."

I nodded and downed my drink. Mostly because I really, really want to know how to take care of Edwyn's every need. I sat and waited for Claudia to finish her drink, it was taking her a very long time and I was getting very impatient. I accidently let a growl slip out and she jumped. That made her finish her drink faster, which pleased me.

"Okay ma'am," she chimes, "are you ready for this?"

"Ready!" I say excitedly.

"First off, Edwyn is considered a newborn, in more ways then one. He is part vampire and well...they have uncontrollable emotions, acts on impulse whereby, they do not think of the negative outcomes. Which means, he can be happy, sad, angry or mad within seconds! He can zoom and/or disappear without you even realizing he's gone. Unlike vampires, he has a functioning heart with blood flowing through his system. A hybrid's beats faster than a human's. They can sleep like humans and are capable of eating and gaining nourishment from both human food and blood, though they prefer blood, particularly human. Their body temperature is unusually warm. Hybrids grow rapidly early in their life, reaching full maturity at approximately age seven, when they physically appear about seventeen years old and cease aging. He is supernaturally much stronger and faster than humans, with sharper senses, but are not as strong, fast, or sharp as a pure vampire."

"Thats just part of the vampire side," she explains, "now for a little on his werewolf side."

"Werewolves are often portrayed as being of huge strength, comparable to that of a dozen normal human beings. They also inherit from the wolf an accute nocturnal vision and a very good sense of smell. Werewolves are immune from aging and from most physical diseases due to the constant regeneration of their physical tissue. They can, therefore, be virtually immortal. However, they have to return to human form and are subjected to the same rules as normal human-beings. Though primarily a true wolf while in wolf form, there is some proof that the werewolf retains enough knowledge to assist his killing; recognition of victims, evation of traps, and human cunning have all been seen on werewolf cases. Changes may be voluntary or involuntary, self-transformation belonging more frequently to the former class and transformation by sorcery, witchcraft or black magic more often to the latter class. The motives of a human being who wishes to change into an animal are naturally regarded with suspicion. Greed, cruelty, and cannibalism are accusations brought against those who weree tried in the Middle Ages for the crime of lycanthropy, the transformation into a wolf or other wild beast. The desire to taste human flesh is a horrible but not improbable reason for the offence. In mediaeval times powers of transformation seem to have been sought after and were even regarded as a privilege. The wish to inspire fear or to gain personal power over others are motives for impersonating wild and fearsome animals, as effective where superstitious people are concerned as the less common faculty of transforming actual flesh. Savage races do not necessarily connect the idea of transformation with any thought of evil. They find the plan of impersonating an animal in its lair, for the sake of safety, say, extremely useful. They have also the best of reasons for developing a special attribute, such as the keen scent of the hound, the long sight of the eagle, the natural protective power against cold possessed by the wolf and so forth, imitative suggestion which occurs in many of their primitive customs. Although often acquired for evil purposes, among primitive peoples to change into an animal did not necessarily imply a descent in the scale of being. To them there is but a slight line of demarcation between the animal world and mankind. They are not influenced so much by the idea of human degradation as by a beautiful belief in the brotherhood and fellowship of all creation."

"And that's a bit of the werewolf side," she chimes, " is that good enough for now, ma'am?"

"That's wonderful Claudia!" I squeal hugging her tightly.            

  I know it's a short chapter, but it's a chapter lol.....Vote, Comment and all that stuff!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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