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The mountain stood tall above Amy. It looked down at her, its peak curving outward, hanging over the valleys below. A path branched off of the road, much too small for the large truck Amy had stolen from the goons. She grabbed the AR she had taken from the goons and stepped out of the truck. The sun shone on Amy, winds whistling through the valley. It seemed that the island was beckoning her to stay, not to save her brother and go home. She didn't listen, starting up the mountain's footpath.

The wind blew strong on the top of the mountain. Amy could see every corner of the island from where she stood. Reaching the top, she realized that this was the tallest mountain and that it was in the center as if the island was a giant mountain surfacing from under the water. When Amy thought about it, though, that may have been exactly what it was.

In the distance, Amy could spot Cittá di il Morto, its bonfires clouding the skies. She could even see Chervobskii's island just barely peeking out of the sea's mist. Amy found a large stand with a glass case. Inside was a map of the island. Why would there be a map up here in a case? Amy thought. She looked closer, and the map said "ISLE OF BELLO."

Amy thought a bit. She then remembered that "Bello" meant beauty. This island was a tourist attraction! Amy looked closer at the map. Where Cittá di il Morto lay, the map read "Cittá di Paradiso." Amy thought again. "City of Paradise."

Amy looked up and then realized just what James had done to the place. Bonfire smoke rose high into the air, looming a darkness over the valleys below. As Amy looked around, she noticed a small plaque overlooking the other side of the island. She walked up to it and read it.

This island, founded by Kyle K. Johnson, is a beautiful place to be. Up here on this mountain, you may see all of the beautiful, green trees, the luscious rivers flowing, and the wildlife frolicking majestically.

Amy looked up from the plaque. The place looked nothing like that.

Johnson found this island whilst on an expedition of finding new islands off the coast of Italy. Is turn, he found this and realized that it would be a great place to invite guests to stay and enjoy the scenery. So welcome to the Isle of Bello! We are happy to have you.

Amy finished reading the plaque. She wondered what could have happened to lead to James taking over. Just as she readied herself to find out where the village lay, she felt a sharp pain hit the pack of her head. She fell into the plaque, and then to the ground. Amy, her vision blurred, saw one of James's men standing over her with a rifle. James came into view.

"Tak, tak, tak..." he leaned over Amy. "What will we ever do with you?" He stomped her face, and she fell unconscious.

Amy awoke, her vision blurring. A figure stood in front of them, pacing. Once Amy's vision got better, she could make out the figure. It was James, illuminated by a single orange spotlight on the table to Amy's right. Amy's arms were tied above her as she hung, sitting on her knees. As she got her surroundings, she noticed Collin opposite of her, in the same position.

James paced as he began to speak, like he knew, somehow, that Amy was awake. "You know... I spent a lot of time after you escaped my auction thinking... 'was this my fault?' And I thought it was for a time. But then I thought, 'no. It's not my fault. It's that fucking American girl.'"

He threw a knife at Amy, but it hit just beside her head.

James sighed. "I saw you reading that plaque... looking at that map. I still remember Kyle's face when I slit his neck open. It was the first time I had killed in the name of this business. The first of many, actually. You know, we were partners back in the day. We were a dynamic duo if you will. I helped him create this island into what it was. I had the charisma to market it, and he had the smarts to handle the business side of the thing. Then one day, I learned that the slave trade was rather marketable. Look, we needed the money. We were ready for anything. Then, one night, we decided that it was our time. We took all of the visitors, and we put them in these cages. I managed to get in contact with some buyers, and that's where our legacy began. I came out and said that the island was closed. But the business started dying. I wanted to begin taking out boats and planes and capture the survivors. Kyle, however, did not. His morality was taking over, and we couldn't have that. So I killed him. I was in charge from there."

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