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Città di il Morto sat in the valley below. Amy remembered this spot, it was where she first caught glimpse of the horrible place so long ago. Amy had lost count of how many days it had been, people she had met and lost, lives she had taken... Amy felt it in her, how it all led up to this: her overlooking a wretched place, full of the worst crimes imaginable, a giant army standing behind her, ready to die in the name of the island that they called home. Amy looked back at the army. All of their faces looked to her for leadership, and she delivered.

"ATTACK!" Amy screamed, and at that moment, the entire army lit up with battle cries hungry for blood as they all split in two, headed down either side of the overlook. Amy caught her breath and watched her army. Once she caught it, she joined the attack on the city.

They bombarded the front gates. Cittá di il Morto was in great alarm, guards running everywhere, alarm bells ringing all throughout the city. Gunfire rang from everywhere as the once crowded army had spread out, now only hellbent on killing any of James's men. Amy, however, knew she had to get to James. Amy ran through the front courtyard of the compound, which had now turned into a battlefield. Bullets flew every which way and smoke rose in plumes from explosions that all nearly blew Amy off her feet.

A guard ran up and tackled Amy. She kicked him off of her and shot him. Amy got up and continued running through the compound. Once she got a fair distance through, she came upon another courtyard just outside of James's office. Amy could see the window, but the sun shone too brightly on it, she could not see inside.

Amy ran toward the front door and kicked it in. Guards waited inside, so Amy had to think fast. A table sat in front of her. She kicked the table so it landed on its side, and Amy ducked underneath it as gunfire sprayed the room. Amy held the gun over the table, blind-firing until all gunfire had ceased. Amy looked up to see the two guards were dead. She hopped over the table and stole a magazine from one of the guards, slipping it into her rifle. Amy made it up the grand staircase and turned. The house was rather empty, and Amy felt unnerved.

Amy ran up to the door and listened inside. She could hear James talking on the other side. Readying her weapon, Amy stood back from the door. She kicked it in, expecting to find James. Instead, the room was empty, and all sound had ceased. Amy looked around, at the ready. Then Amy noticed something on James's desk. It was a voice recorder. It clicked and began playing a tape of James's voice.

"What?" Amy lowered her rifle in confusion. Her walkie-talkie then came on.

"Oh, Amy," James's voice came through it. "I knew you'd attack Cittá di il Morto. It's no matter. I do not care how many of my men must die for this business."

"AMY!" Collin's voice rang out from the background of the call.

"Shut your mouth, you stupid boy!" James shouted. "Well, Amy... I guess this is goodbye. I'll be making off with your brother and you can't do a thing about it. I'll be off in another country by the time your military boys from back on the mainland show up."

The walkie-talkie let out static then James left.

Amy stood in the silent office in Cittá di il Morto. She, for once, felt utterly defeated. He's got him... There's nothing I can do...

But something inside of Amy sparked. All her hatred for James up to this point built up inside of her. Amy's head swirled so much, she couldn't hear anything except for the thoughts in her head. Amy broke.

"AAAHH!" Amy screamed and ran for the giant office window. She jumped through the window, the glass shattering all around her. The glass met the ground before she did, causing Amy to land on the broken shards. It did not bother her, though. She was too blinded by her rage. Amy got up and ran through the courtyard. A guard came from behind a pillar, but Amy gunned him down before he could do anything.

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