Authors Note: Next Chapters' Explanation

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Hello people!!

Frankie and Zach are in a bad state right now, aren't they!

I don't want to interrupt you from the story so I'll be quick with it but you HAVE to read this!

I had an idea of how I wanted the story to end, but then another idea decided to WAKE ME UP AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING!! Sorry, got a little mad there. Anyways, this second idea just kept flying around in my head; therefore, I couldn't fall asleep. I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it and finally went to sleep!

That leaves me to say that the last few chapters are divided into two different endings. I would suggest you read both.

Alternate ending a would be the chapters that have "a" after the chapter number and that would mean alternate ending b would be the chapters that have a "b" after the chapter number!

Enjoy! Comment which ending you like best;)

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