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Today I'm planning on telling Y/N how I feel about her. Youngjae and Yugyeom aren't home. They're working and probably be home by tomorrow. I'm going to buy some soju. She drinks most of the times. But I don't I'm just going to take  cup to get the courage and tell her how I feel toward her. 


I'm at school with Solar and Lisa. I hate the fact that I told them everything and now they tease me on saying that we are going to end up together. 


I was walking to my house and bump into Jackson on my way home.

JS: Y/N!!!!

Y/N: Jackson?....Hey 

JS: Hey you walking home?

Y/N: Yeah. Where are you going?

JS: I'm heading home also. But ill walk you home.

We walked to my house. we were just talking. I said bye and he left. I placed my key in and opened. Everything was dark. 

Y/N: JR!!!

I called for JR but I didn't get no response till I felt a hand in my shoulders. I turned around about to throw my hands but it was JR

Y/N: What the fuck? Why didn't you answer when I called? Augh... I was ready to throw some hands. 

JR: Sorry come one. I cooked. 

We walked to the kitchen and indeed he cooked. 

Y/N's Thoughts: WTF this is so weird. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden.


We are in the kitchen. We aren't completely drunk but I feel dizzy and looking at Y/N expression she does look dizzy also. I went to sit next to her. She looks at me and I place my hand in her thighs. I lean in and kiss her, to my surprise she kisses me back. 


Y/N's Thoughts: WTF!!!!! What the fuck is going on?! Why is he kissing me!?.... Umm.. Well lets just see where all of this end. I really don't like, JR but he's changed. But I have a really bad feeling about this. 

He moves away trying to catch our breaths when he grabs me and pulls me to his room. I come back to reality when he closes his door. He walks towards me and I walk backwards but I felt the wall. He pulls me and kisses me. I kiss him back for some reason. We make our way towards the bed without breaking the kiss. I try to push him to catch my breath and I try to say something but he pushes me and hover on top of me.

He starts to kiss me again and goes down to my neck and collarbone. Not long he found my sweet spot, and he started biting and sucking on my skin. I was sure there was going to be a massive hickey the next day. JR took a hold of my shirt and took it off. He reached behind me and unclasped my bra, and threw it god knows where. He kissed me and moved down to my breasts and sucked on them. He blew Hot air on them as I moaned.


He went lower and started to rub through my closed core. He took my short and left me only in my underwear. He starts to rub more, he shifted my underwear over the side and started rubbing my clit. I felt as my eyes were permanently rolled into the back of my head, and the he stopped, replacing the fabric. 

I looked at him with confusion, then I finally got what he was getting at. He laid into the bed and I positions myself in between his legs after taking his jeans and boxers off. I grabbed his member, giving it a soft squeeze, I started to move my hand up and down his member and he groan.

Cross Roads-Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now