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I make 4.5 weeks today. I'm happy but their is only one thing I don't like. JR's mother has been saying bad thing to me. The first time it happened I told JR and he Told her to respect me but she didn't listen. She kept on insulting me but it only gets worse everyday. 


Day 1

JR's Mom: I really don't like you for my son.

Day 3: 

JR's Mom: You are just with my son because of his money and now that you are pregnant you have him tide up to you.

Day 6: 

JR's Mom: I'll never acknowledge your kid as my grandchild. (The worse part was...) I hope that baby don't make it so that he/she doesn't see the bitch of a mother it'll have.

Flashback Ends

JR has been taking good care of my a pleased me from my craving. I'm planning to tell Lisa and Solar about me being pregnant.

I was craving Kiwi and Strawberry juice so I went to buy some since JR is working. I grabbed my keys and went out. it's not cold so I didn't bother to take a sweater so I just take a cardigan. I tried to hide my  tummy but since it's growing their is no point in hiding it. It's very noticeable. 

I was walking to the store when through WKZ. We always have problems with them, so I tried by best to pass through them quickly but I felt someone said someone to me. 

WKZ Member: Hey, babe where you heading with that cute ass. 

I'm pregnant not stupid. If I wasn't pregnant I would've went up to that mother f*** and broken his teeth. I rather not risk my life especially not my baby's life, so I ignore him and keep on walking until he pulls me by my wrist. He roughly turns me around and I put my hands in my tummy for protection. 

WKZ Member: I asked you a god damn question, I expect you to answer me, bitch. 

I've never been this scared in my life before, well I've never been scare to confront a WKZ member before. But I guess now my body is acting on its own because if I do anything stupid I'm not only risking my life but a baby's life also. I noticed that the man in front of me is new. Meaning he doesn't know me or who my cousins are since he is here bothering me. 

I look behind him and saw the leader of WKZ, G-Dragon also known as GD. He told the guy to stop what he was doing to me and the member just left to the other ones. He looks at me and then my abdomen. he walks towards me and I walk backwards because of my fear. All I cold do was tighten my grip in my stomach.  

Y/N's Thoughts: JR where are you? I really need you right now!


I was coming out of the train station but decided to take some candy to Y/N. While I was walking to the store when something caught my eye. GD was walking towards a girl, and the girl due to her fear she walked backwards. While I was getting closer I notice it was Y/N. I rushed to her and got in front of Y/N like a shield. He just chuckled. 

GD: Keep your girl indoors you never know what can happen to her in the streets at this time and because of her state she has to be well protected and taken well care of. Its very noticeable so try to hide it, enemies might try to take advantage of the situation.

I actually felt scared for Y/N's sake and the baby's.

GD: Don't worry I wont go that low to hurt a pregnant woman, just take care of her, you don't want no one taking her away from you do you?

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