Chapter two

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"Sis wake up we're moving" Bubba said. I rolled over and felt someone pick me up. I didn't feel sparks so I knew it was my brother. "I've got her" someone not my brother said. I panicked and began having a panic attack. "Dude she's panicking" they said. Bubba said some non nice words and took me from the guy. I instantly relaxed and he smiled. "You okay now?" Bubba asked. I nodded and he began walking while carrying me. I spotted a rabbit and I ran to it. I caught it and held it gently in my arms. "You have always wanted a rabbit, but I don't know if you should keep it" Bubba said. I held my head down and looked at my feet. "Why don't we get you a tame one when we get the money" Bubba said. I smiled and put the rabbit down gently. It scurried off and I watched it go. I loved rabbits. Ever since I was a little kid I've dreamed of having a pet rabbit. I dreamed of the day when I got to hold one for the first time in my life. I continued walking with the group until I was exhausted. "She can't walk anymore" Bubba said seeing me struggle to take step after step. "Then let's rest or carry her" Zack said. "How far are we from the transportation?" Bubba asked. "About 30 minuets worth of walking" Zack said. "I'll carry her" Bubba said. I fell to the ground exhausted. I could walk anymore I was so tired. "Hey it's okay" Bubba said wrapping his arms around me. He picked me up and carried me for about ten minutes before I could tell he was tired to. I jumped out of the arms and began walking. "Sis you need to rest" Bubba said. "It rest" Zack said. I shook my head and continued walking. "Sis let either me or one of them carry you. I can tell your exhausted" Bubba said. I shook my head. "Yes" Zack said. I gave in and walked to my brother. I climbed on his back and sent all my gained energy to him. "Sis save your energy" Bubba said. "Listen to your brother and save your energy it" Zack said. I rolled my eyes and Bubba chuckled. "Your something else sis" Bubba said. I saw a car come into view and then a few others behind it. "The black one is mine" Zack said pointing to a expensive looking car.

"Okay so you and your sister can ride with me and two warriors" Zack said. I freaked out. There's no way I was riding with him or anybody, but my brother. I jumped off Bubba's back and sat on the forest floor with my knees to my chest and my head on my knees. I rocked back and forth scared. "It'll be okay I promise" Bubba said rubbing my back. I nodded and stood up still scared. "I know your scared, but I promise it'll be okay" Bubba said. I walked slowly towards the car and Zack opened the door. "She can pick first where ever makes her feel safe" Zack said. I climbed into the car and sat on the furthest side away from Zack. Bubba say beside me and a warrior beside him. Zack climbed in and sat in front of me and a warrior sat across from him. I was shaking and crying silently I was so scared. "Hey it's okay" Bubba said. I held my brother tightly as the car started moving. I saw everything whiz by at such a fast rate that I was scared. I fell asleep in the car and all too soon I was shaken awake. "Sis were here" I heard Bubba say. I opened my eyes tiredly and saw a palace in front of me. What the heck?! I was so confused and scared. I clung to my brothers shirt like a scared little puppy. "Welcome to my home" Zack said. "She said your really rich" Bubba said. "Sorta" Zack said. I yawned and Bubba picked me up. I was no more then 40 pounds. Yeah I was extremely underweight. "She looks like she's underweight" Zack said. "She's not over 40 pounds" Bubba said. "Zack who are these people?" Someone asked walking towards us. "This is my mate and her brother" Zack said. "Wow she looks terrible" the guy said. I began crying. Brother growled and the guy growled back. "He means that she looks in bad shape" Zack said. I shifted into my Griffalyn (my griffin and lycan combined). I laid down and Bubba say beside me. "Dude what is she?" The guy asked. "I don't know, but that's just one of her forms" Zack said. "She has a wolf and whatever that is" Zack added. "She also has powers of some sort" Zack said. "Wow" the guy said. He crouched down and Bubba growled. "She doesn't let anyone touch her or get near her" Zack said. "Oh" the guy said standing up. "What's her name?" They guy asked. "She doesn't have one and if she does I don't know it. She told her brother to tell me to call her it" Zack said. "Dude I'm sure she will open up soon" the guy said. I stood up and heard someone coming. I used my ultra vision and saw there was a royal family walking this way.

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