18-The plan has succeeded!

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A few days after, the Absolute Dance judges validated all the dances.

Miss Kate: We are at the 2nd week of February and we have finished all the choreographies! The tour will begin in Canada at the first week of April and it will begin all around the world in June. So we have 1 month to do the last thing of my list: rehearsal on stage! Yes! During all the whole month we are going to the Opera to prepare the lights and costumes!

Richelle: Is it at the opera near the shopping mall?

Miss Kate: Yes!

Richelle: Oh...

Miss Kate: What's the problem?

Richelle: I live too far from the opera so there's no way to come back home and to go the opera without a car, and my parents will be probably working so I don't know how can I go to the rehearsals.

Miss Kate: Yes I understand. We could do a... carpooling service! Does anyone else have those problems?

Henry wanted to raise his hand but Riley and Amy prevented him from doing that and whispered:

Amy: You will take your bike!

Henry: But I broke it last week! And why can't I be driven like Richelle?

Riley: Because of that:

Amy moved forward and suggested her idea:

Amy: Noah, a few weeks ago you posted on Instagram a photo of you and your new car, isn't it?

Noah: Yeah!

Amy: So you could drive Richelle every day!

Miss Kate: Yes this is a very good idea! Do you mind driving Richelle?

Noah: No there's no problem, if I can help to the wellbeing of the troupe I will drive my dear! ... My dear car! Yeah, there's no problem Richelle!

Richelle: Thanks Noah!

Amy and Riley looked each other to congratulate themselves, their plan has succeeded!

I wrote this short chapter because it will introduce a new part of the story, Richelle and Noah will spend more time together and who knows? Maybe they will be closer and hang out!!😉😏

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I wrote this short chapter because it will introduce a new part of the story, Richelle and Noah will spend more time together and who knows? Maybe they will be closer and hang out!!😉😏



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😱 😱😱😱

Oh my gosh! My book has reached 100 votes and 1.9 K Views!!!!!! This is so moving! I'm so grateful! I love you guys for reading my story! I started writing the 1rst chapter on my notebook, for pleasure, and then I decided to post it on Wattpad because I wanted to be part of this "Fanfic-family" and now approximately 4 months later : 100 votes and 1.9 K Views!!!!!

Thank you so so so much! You push me to continue writing and I love the result! I think I have improved in writing (English) and I'm so grateful! Thanks thanks and thanks! LOVE!

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