28- Ready for it?

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Hi guys! It has been 7 days that I haven't posted any new part! It's not because I don't have inspiration, not at all! I really had! I have finished the storyline!  It was because I went on a trip but now I'm back! With some new parts! 😂😄
Thanks for all! It means a lot to have your votes and comments because it wasn't what I've planned! I was just curious to try the new app that I've downloaded on my phone! So really thanks!😚
So let's begin this new part, which is a little throwback (flashback) of Bryles' relationship!
Why do u have to read it? Because when I wrote it I've got so much fun and because of the end!😂😂

Noah's POV: I'm not the kind of guys who listen to  Taylor Swift's songs but the title of that song makes me wonder if Richelle is ready to kiss... to do "the secret challenge"! We almost do it those last times but she was too scared and we can't. Well, in spite of her fears (and mine, a little bit coz I'm a strong man without fears!)  I really think that we've got closer since I drive her! We spent a lot of time together and our jokes are the best of the best! That was last week:

All the World Troupe was sitting on the chairs of the Opera's backstage and Richelle was sitting at the left of a table, I came and sat at the right of the table.

Richelle: Why did you sit here? There's a free chair there!

Me: Oh! Excuse me Richelle! It was just for the balance!

Richelle: What balance?

Me: Well, if you sit at the left I have to sit at the right, it's for the balance, otherwise, the table will collapse!

Richelle: ... so you say I'm fat?

Everybody laughs

Me: No, you're plump!

Richelle: It's the same!

Me: You're wrong: people usually say plump for babies! So you're just fat... but cute!

Richelle: Fat?!

Me: But cute!

Richelle: OMG! I wanna leave!

James: No you can't! IT's for the balance!

Giselle: Yeah: if you leave, Noah will be alone on the table!

Amy's POV: Richelle needs Noah and Noah needs Richelle! I don't know how you call it but for me it's love! It's Nochelle! Do you agree? They are complimentary! 😍

Noah's POV:

Richelle: So the table will collapse! I get it! Noah, I think you're pretty plump!

Me: No! No and no! I agree with James and Giselle but not you Richelle!

Richelle: Why always me?

Me: Coz you're wrong: I'm not plump! I'm strong and muscular!

Everybody laughs

Richelle: I'm muscular too! Otherwise, I won't be able to do all my flips! Why are you laughing Myles? It's 100% true!

Michelle: Myles? What did you say Myles?

Richelle: err... yeah! It's his middle name! And nickname! How I call him! Victoria! Well, I'm muscular and I've got proof! I usually at the gym! At fitness! At least twice a week! LOOK AT MY PHOTOS!

 yeah! It's his middle name! And nickname! How I call him! Victoria! Well, I'm muscular and I've got proof! I usually at the gym! At fitness! At least twice a week! LOOK AT MY PHOTOS!

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Noah's POV: W

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Noah's POV: W.o.w.! She's so sexy! And she loves bodybuilding like me! We are made to ne together!

Me: Ok ok... you've got muscles! But I've got more because I almost train every morning!

I flexed my arms

Me: Because for my last birthday my parents offered me some bodybuilding stuff! I train almost every morning in my basement before going to the Opera!

James: In your basement?

Me: Yeah!

Henry: His basement is super huge! I went it last week and honestly, I was impressed! Now I know how Noah gets those muscles!

Me: So if you need to train a little bit my door is open!

Noah's POV: So that's it! That was a little anecdote about how is my relationship with Richelle, my queen B! We can make fun of each other and I love those moments! I also love when our faces are close and our lips too! I feel my heart beating so ...

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Noah's POV: So that's it! That was a little anecdote about how is my relationship with Richelle, my queen B! We can make fun of each other and I love those moments! I also love when our faces are close and our lips too! I feel my heart beating so fast! I just wanna know if Richelle is ready for it? I mean, it will be her first kiss and it's my responsibility no to ruin it! And you guys, do you think that Richelle is ready to kiss me?

I know this part is a flashback but it's because we have to "calm before the storm!" A very very good and romantic storm! Not really a storm but just a lot of actions!😄
I just can reveal to you that the book will end in a few parts and that 

I will write the second book of the story: The Next Step Bryles Show The World 2!!!!!!! The story will happen just a few days after and during the tour! How Bryles live the tour!

I will maybe write a Teaser-Book for my future book!😄 I don't really know if I will!
I'm so happy about this book and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

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